Oliver + S

Product Reviews and Ratings

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    Todd Gibson

    We’ve just rolled out a new feature on the website: product reviews and ratings.

    You can now contribute a review and a rating for each of our products. We would appreciate it if some of you, our dedicated forum members, would consider getting the ball rolling by contributing one or two reviews on some of the patterns you have sewn with.


    Nicole @motherof5

    How exciting!

    Todd, would it be appropriate to link to Blog posts or would you rather one didn’t?


    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I was just thinking how much I love the field trip cargos! The simplicity of the shirt and the most professional looking cargo pants, not to mention the amazing instructions! I’ll go and add one now.

    Todd Gibson

    Nicole, I think that would be a fine idea.

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    I feel like I keep repeating myself in each review, but I suppose not every reader will read them all in sequence, and truthfully, the same few core elements (great instruction, clean lines, great fit, professional finish) are true across the board.

    Masha Richart

    Just reviewed Seashore! Can’t wait to read others’.

    cybele727 @cybele727


    Isn’t that a wonderful problem for all of us to have. How to say in different ways, AWESOME.

    One of my favorite things about these patterns is how complex they seem, how cleverly they come together and how professional the finish is. Handmade vs homemade.


    needlewoman @needlewoman

    So far the Book Report is my favourite; smart, practical and lends itself to endless variation. I’d love to try it with a collar, a full skirt, or a skirt like the Pinwheel outfit.

    Listening to the radio this morning about all the clothing chains that use shockingly abusive and dangerous factories OS to keep their products cheap, I think that sewing for ourselves and loved ones is a way of saying “NO”.

    Tamara @justsewit


    Liesl Gibson

    I just need to say THANK YOU for all your lovely new words in the new product review section. Wow, if I ever feel sad I’ll just drop by to read all the wonderful things you’re saying about our patterns! I think these reviews are really going to help people decide which patterns they want to make, too, so thanks for taking the time to add your thoughts and experiences.

    By the way, regarding Needlewoman’s above comment, have you all read Overdressed yet? I really need to sit down and write up some thoughts about the book. It’s a very worthwhile read!

    Tamara @justsewit

    There have been a few reports on the situation of factories on current affairs programs like 60 minutes here in Australia. I just googled that book Liesl! It does sound very interesting!

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    My friend mentioned there was one on 4Corners a week or two ago about Rtw clothing that she recommend I watch. She also commented it made her appreciate the hand made clothes, especially using recycled fabric, that come their way. I haven’t watched it yet as I need to work out iview!

    Todd Gibson

    Thanks to everyone who has contributed a product review since we rolled this out a few weeks ago.

    If you haven’t done so yet, we would love to hear from you. Please take a few minutes and let people know about your experience with any of the patterns or tools we have available in the shop.

    juliamom2009 @juliamom2009

    I was reading through the reviews (I’ve done only one but will do more…) – I loved Sarvi’s “desert island” comment on the music box jumper review…..you know, the patterns to take when you’re stranded on a desert island…..really makes you stop and think…..which ones would I take???

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Field Trip! I think I could make a whole wardrobe from this pattern! Full cargos and long sleeves for winter. Long shorts with cargo pockets, shorter shorts finishing at the bottom of the front top panel and short sleeve tees for summer!

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 19 total)

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