Oliver + S

Problem with Music Class Blouse – help please

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    ctirish @ctirish

    Hi, I am having a problem with the back yoke on the music class blouse. The first problem was it was way too big so I checked the pattern and the called Oliver and S. The first printing of the pattern has an error with pattern piece 3-(back yoke) in that the sizes are reversed for the cut out lines. If you follow the size you need key line and ignore then bottom sizing you are supposed to get the right size back yoke.

    That said, I am still having a problem with the sizing. When I line up the back yoke to the back blouse piece I still have about 1/2 inch on each end where it is too big. Has anyone made this blouse in a size 5 or had similar problems. I did make the pin-tucks across the top and they are the correct size.

    Any thoughts are appreciated. Thank you, jane

    sarahb @sarahb

    I have made the blouse a few times in size 6 but haven’t run into this issue. If the pin tucks are each just a teeny bit narrow or wide, that could add up to a 1/2″ difference. Is the yoke still longer? If so, I would unsew the current pin tucks and resew them just a bit narrower, just a thread or 2 over from your previous seam. That should be enough to make up for the difference.

    catherinel @catherinel

    Hi–I made the music class blouse in size 2 and had no problems, but I have a recently purchased pattern.

    I’m assuming you don’t have enough fabric to cut out a new correctly-sized yoke (which is what I would do if I possibly could). So, before you narrow your pintucks you should check a couple of things on the yoke. Your current yoke will probably have a neckline too big for the collar (so that it won’t meet at the center front), too wide across the bottom (making for a baggy fit), and too long in the shoulder seams to fit with your front yoke.

    To fix all these problems I would sew 1 or 2 tiny tucks near the center back and 1 tiny tuck on each side from shoulder to yoke bottom. The size of these would be whatever was necessary to take out the excess fabric. You would have to do some thinking to locate them in a pleasing manner on whatever fabric you’re using. You may also have to trim a tiny amount off the bottom as the yoke will probably be to long.

    It may be less work to try to eke out a correctly sized yoke with whatever fabric you have left over.

    One of the things I love about these patterns is the proportion and the fit, so you should try to preserve that as much as you can.

    Tamara @justsewit

    I’ve made many Music class blouses in a size 12 and haven’t had issues. Some ladies do gathers in the area where the pintucks go. I personally have done the pintucks and haven’t had issues provided my pintucks are not too wide.

    This is just a suggestion in order to get the pattern working for you …. maybe you could do a shirt (as a toile in fabric like calico?) and gather instead of pintuck just to see how the bodice will fit. This way it will give you an indication as to how much room you have to play with for the pintucks.

    This is the only suggestion I have and I really hope you get to make the blouse because it is a beautiful pattern.

    Best of luck


    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Wish I had a more useful contribution, but I made the smaller size. Would it be scandalous to just cut off the extra bit on the edge? I’m afraid I don’t quite understand what this means: “If you follow the size you need key line and ignore then bottom sizing”

    LauraB @LauraB

    Jane – did you have any luck with this? I’m also making size 5 and have run into a similar problem. Front yokes matching up perfectly. Back yoke out by 1/4 – 1/2 inch on each side. The pin tucks are definitely the correct width. I will wing it and see what happens, but would be interesting to know if you resolved it.


    Tamara @justsewit

    Would it pay to do some extra tucks to bring the sides in a little? So instead of three each side you could do four or five to bring it in?

    Just a thought to help you out.

    LauraB @LauraB

    The extra width is in the yoke, not the blouse body, so extra tucks would make it worse! I’ve stitched it and it seems better – I’m using double gauze, which is fairly forgiving. I’ve got the extra down to about 1/4 inch on one side and 1/8 on the other. Hopefully the sleeves will go on OK!

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    I had the same problem when I made my toddler’s shirt too. I hate to say it but I just trimed the back yoke to fit the rest. I bought mine this summer from fabric.com so maybe it’s a miss print?

    Liesl Gibson

    Hey everyone, I just pulled out the pattern to check the back yoke and the back blouse.

    I’m not seeing a problem with the pattern. Pintucks can be tricky, because even a little discrepancy can alter the width by quite a bit when there are many pintucks together. I would suggest that you could just trim the yoke to be a little narrower to solve the problem. As long it it’s the same shape I don’t think it will be an issue.

    Anonymous @

    I’ve made this blouse in size 5 six times. I’ve never had any trouble fitting the back yoke and I have the same printing with the errata. I bet it’s just that the pin tucks are a bit off.

    LauraB @LauraB

    OK – thought I had been super careful, but must have been operator error!

    Anonymous @

    maybe the moon wasn’t in the right phase?? LOL

    LauraB @LauraB

    That must be it! I managed to sew the placket backwards as well. I’d used a smaller stitch because of the double gauze so that was a fun half an hour of unpicking. Now I know why…

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