Oliver + S

Picking the right size for a petite curvy girl!!!!

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    cybele727 @cybele727

    HI ALL::

    Long time no chat!

    I love the Marais. Is it better to pick the size based on upper bust or full bust and do FBA/grading?

    UB 37 (sized M)
    FB 42 (between L and XL)
    Band: 37 (sized M)
    Waist:39 (XXL)

    The fit point on this seems to be shoulders and bust.

    Do I start with a M in the shoulders…Then do a bit of an FBA on a D cup?

    Then grade out for the voluptummy?

    Masha Richart

    Hi Cybele! My measurements are UB 37, FB 41, Waist 33. I sewed up the L D-cup as a muslin and was surprised to see that it fit pretty spot on (I was expecting the upper chest and straps to be too big/wide, and that I would have to adjust the seams, but neither of those things were the case). Your full bust is a little bigger than mine, but depending on the stretch of your knit, a straight L on the top might work for you, and then you could grade out the waist.

    Masha Richart

    Also, because of the way the top is constructed, you can easily make more tummy room by slashing and spreading the middle piece from the bottom up, in addition to grading out at the side seams.

    cybele727 @cybele727

    thank you. This is exactly what I needed to know. L D cup with slash and spread! THANK YOU!

    scullypdx @scullypdx

    Hello all – I have similar measurements. I’m wondering where the bust seam is supposed to sit for a larger cup size: across the apex or underneath? It’s hard to tell from the pattern photos.

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