When I trace I get my straight rulers out, I use my 6″x24″ and I have a square triange with three different length sides that is much smaller. I use these rullers as much as I can for the straight lines (and I find some of the gently curved lines have straight sections) then I free hand the curves. I use tins tomatoes or whatever I have (at one point it was a tin of beetroot and a tin of pineappe and a tin of tomato soup!) to stop what I am tracing onto moving, this helps me get nice curves and corners. They may not be super accurate, but remember that you have a 1/2″ seam allowance so 1/16″ is proably not that drastic.
I generally tape my digital pattern and then trace it as I prefer to trace than stick and I’m also only dealing with one set of markings lines then. Nicole’s Hugo suggests putting the digital patterns togeter with double sided tape, I have found this much easier than regular tape.