Oliver + S

pattern suggestion for double gauze?

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    meleliza @meleliza

    I have some Heather Ross double gauze I’ve been saving for my baby’s first birthday party. I haven’t worked with it before, but I can see that it’s a soft and drapy sort of fabric and I’m starting to think that maybe the birthday part dress isn’t the best choice for it. Does anyone have thoughts or suggestions on this? Thanks!

    Kim @kmac0107

    There is a Flicker group for the Heather Ross double gauze fabric http://www.flickr.com/groups/1382582@N24/pool/with/5193518285/

    icicle @icicle

    I have some of that fabric — I made a 2+2 blouse out of it — and I can say that it doesn’t hold a crease very well. If you want a nice crisply pleated front on the Birthday Party dress then I wouldn’t recommend double gauze. On the other hand, if you’re okay with a softly pleated look, then it might work.

    claireabel @claireabel

    I’ve recently made the 2+2 top using double gauze, with regular cotton for the binding and tab. I’ve also just made an ice-cream top out of double-gauze (which I haven’t yet blogged or added to the Flickr group). It turned out beautifully.

    I have seen a couple of very successful double gauze birthday party dresses, including one made up as a sample in my local fabric shop. As icile said you would get crisp pleats, but it still looks good.

    Liesl did a blog post on double gauze here: http://www.oliverands.com/blog/2009/07/double-gauze.html

    claireabel @claireabel

    Ooh, someone has a lovely double gauze bubble dress here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jessicadomestica/5204755415/in/pool-1382582@N24

    meleliza @meleliza

    Thanks – after looking through the flickr groups, I can really get a sense of how the fabric drapes and I don’t think the birthday party dress will work. Also, I’m not sure the ice cream dress is special enough for a big important birthday, but maybe it could be. Now, I’m kind of leaning toward the bubble dress. That could be really pretty on a baby girl. But I will need to have some kind of sweater or shrug with it in case it’s a cool day. Maybe something in the new spring collection will be even better! Can’t wait to see those.

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