Oliver + S

packaging: your thoughts

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    isewstuff @isewstuff

    I am a huge fan of the current packaging. I’d like to continue to be able to cut out the doll without ruining the storage envelope.

    But, a sturdier envelope would be nice too….

    Anonymous @

    I have yet to cut any of them, but I am storing them all away for when Clara is older. I never keep my pattern or instructions in the original envelope. I take them out and store them in plastic bags, labeled and filed alphabetically. That gives me room to add my traced pattern pieces. I keep the envelopes in page protectors in a notebook so I can flip through them to “shop” for what I want to sew next. (This is also handy to carry to the fabric shop for quick yardage reference, by the way.) I suppose I could just photocopy the original envelopes for my notebook when I want to cut the dolls. All that said, I really would rather keep the dolls separate. Sigh.

    cheriev @cheriev

    Along with some of the others, I didn’t know the outer sleeve of the pattern was for paperdolls. I’ve never cut mine out and probably never will….too adorable. So the changes you propose to your packaging seem like a good idea to me.

    LauraB @LauraB

    My daughter is not yet three, so a bit young for the dolls at the moment. I’ve been saving them, thinking they would be a good rainy day activity when she is a bit older.

    And then some of the patterns went out of print. And then I thought, perhaps I wouldn’t cut them after all. People do pay a lot for rare things (cf Heston Blumenthal Christmas puddings currently selling for GBP330 on eBay! http://www.brandrepublic.com/bulletin/brandrepublicnewsbulletin/article/1043963/heston-pudding-sparks-consumer-frenzy/). I can see out of print, uncut Oliver & S patterns, complete with doll wrap, being very sought after in the future.

    My suggestion (administratively hellish, I’m sure) is to offer a card stock doll at a nominal extra fee (perhaps even as a donation to charity?) along with the more robust packaging. People could buy them to cut out with their kids, or to collect, and people who don’t want to pay don’t have to.

    Kim @kmac0107

    I have many of the patterns from different retailers and only a couple came with a blue card stock band. I would like the heavier envelope because just removing the bedtime story pattern and folding it and inserting it back into the envelope, once, ripped the crease in the package. What about a .pdf file that you can send to customers, through email, when they order a pattern and then the customer can download the pattern for the paper dolls and print onto card stock?

    E1izabeth @E1izabeth

    My vote is for the new packaging – sturdier envelope with the plastic bags for the following reasons:

    1. I have never cut out any of the paper dolls from the sleeve that comes with the current packaging so I wouldn’t miss it really.

    2. I sew garments from my O+S patterns over and over as my kids grow and for gifts so the envelopes tend to get worn out.

    I really love when your patterns come in the plastic bags because I use those bags to hold my original envelope and cardstock sleeve, instructions, original uncut pattern plus all of my parchment paper pattern pieces for the various sizes and views I’ve traced and cut.

    But honestly you can do what you’d like with the packaging and I’ll still buy your wonderful patterns. I rarely sew children’s clothing from anything other than your patterns anymore.

    licricket @licricket

    I also did not know about the cut out paper dolls. I probably would never use them as such because they are so beautiful. I love your patterns, and am just fine the way they are being packaged right now. Thanks a lot for such beautiful patterns.

    janimal @janimal

    For those who like to cut out the paper dolls, it sounds like they can still do that with the new version of packaging, they just need to put the pattern in either a plastic bag or manila emvelope or something. So the novelty of the dolls is not lost with the new packaging. Sounds like a good idea to me. A more sturdy envelope will be valuable to many customers and for those who like the dolls, they are still there for them.

    I think the sewists in these forums will buy your patterns no matter what the packaging is because we know how awesome the contents are. So really a small price change or packaging difference won’t affect us, the segment of your market who already loves you.

    So I think it comes down to what is in the best interest of your business, what will best support your continued success? Is price a factor to keep you competitive, or does the extra sleeve with the paper doll really set you apart marketwise? Everyone here will be loyal regardless, and we all support you, so please do what is best to keep Oliver and S GROWING so we can have more patterns please!

    Liesl Gibson

    Well, aren’t you all just so sweet to weigh in like this! Thank you. I’ll continue to watch this space if anyone wants to add anything, but I just want to let you know how much I appreciate your feedback. You’re very helpful!

    Anonymous @

    I really like the idea of downloading and printing dolls! Maybe a code printed on the package to let a buyer do that? Would be fun.

    April Henry @April1930s

    I thought about the idea of you offering them as a download, but the quality of my printer (ink, paper, etc.) just doesn’t compare to what is done professionally. Whatever you decide, I still would like little cards original from O+S. Inserts or enclosures would even be easier to store for future use should the child be too young to cut them out right away. Almost like “Trading Cards” – I can only imagine the collector’s value years from now.

    “Mint Condition Oliver + S Paper Doll Card – RARE! L@@K!” <=== can’t you see it as an eBay title someday!?! hahahahaha! 🙂

    cherry @cherry

    I feel terrible for saying this, but I don’t keep or cut out the cardboard portion with the dolls on it! I probably should be keeping them for when Evie gets bigger, but i just get rid of them when I open the pattern, and store the paper portion away in a container. So personally, I would be more than happy with the packaging change. Even more so if it avoids a price increase- here in Australia the patterns retail for $25 (more or less) so it is already a push to buy all the ones I want!!

    sayiamyou @maraya

    I think a studier envelope would be nice, but honestly I immediately put mine inside a ziploc bag to keep it safe. I haven’t cut out any of the dolls, but I love keeping them – very cute eye candy. And, I figure, that way when my daughter’s a little older, she and I can do it together. I would really hate to see the paper dolls go. But, like most, I’ll buy the pattern regardless.

    whipstitch @whipstitch

    As a design lover, I think the separate sleeve is super cute, and have loved showing it off to folks when I introduce them to O+S. As a retailer, I have to admit that the seam on the sleeve often gets shopworn and comes unglued (picking up odd bits of lint along the way), and that as much as I love it, a new design might be beneficial in terms of keeping the packaging looking its prettiest. Having said that, we hardly ever have the patterns in stock long enough to get worn–they fly right out the door the minute we get them! Excited to hear about new ideas coming down the pipe (or is it pike?), and always loving what you do!

    KarenK @KarenK

    While I love the beautiful presentation that the current packaging has, I will be honest and say that my patterns go into folders or gallon ziploc bags once they’ve been traced or cut. The pieces never fit back into the pretty envelope without tearing it to pieces after I’ve used them. It’s all horribly un-cute, but it works better for me.

    My vote is if new packaging is more economical for consumers go for it, especially now that I’m back to buying in both size categories again.

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