Oliver + S

Organizing BBD Patterns

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    Kathy McI @kjmcinerny

    I just purchased the BBD book and am wondering how others organize their master pattern, sizes, and alterations.

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    Hi Kathy @kjmcinerny , sorry for the late reply.
    I tend to trace all my patterns, including the BBD block on thin interfacing (known as Trace and Toile, and similar to Swedish tracing paper).
    Then I store each pattern tracing in a clear plastic sleeve in a ring binder.
    I have all my ring binders labelled with which patterns are in them and it’s all alphabetically sorted (yep, seriously 🙂 )
    Now that might seem daft as I only have one daughter, so patterns are outgrown before they’re made for the second time, but it’s oh so handy when I need to whip something up for a smaller kid’s birthday.
    I have one folder, which is rather bursting at the seams which is my mash-ups and heavily altered patterns folder, and that’s were I keep my BBD blocks.
    Have fun with the book!

    Fiona @fiona

    I’ve been using trace and toile, but I’ve hesitated to fold them up. Do you do anything to straighten out the pieces later on? Or do they stick to the fabric well-enough to not worry about it?

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    I find they flatten out just fine. Much better in fact than a baking paper tracing, or the printer paper if you’re using a PDF pattern. – one of the reasons I even trace home printed PDF patterns.
    Just whatever you do, do not (NOT!) try and iron the trace and Toile!! 🙂

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