Oliver + S as gateway drug
15 years ago LINK
norasroom @norasroom
After my experience with the School Days jacket, I’m thinking of sewing a hooded rain jacket for myself with one of the amazing new laminates coming out this fall. I’m torn between the new Echino http://www.trueup.net/?p=6863 (oh, those birds!) and Love by Amy Butler http://www.amybutlerdesign.com/products/fabrics_love_laminated1.php (look at that paradise garden in midnight!).
Has anyone else found that for Oliver + S you’ll tackle projects you’d otherwise be way too intimidated to sew? There’s something so approachable about sewing something in a child’s size, and Liesl’s instructions are like a sewing master class.
What have you sewn this year that’s stretched your limits? And should I go with the birds or the flowers? DH thinks both are over the top!
15 years ago LINKToyota888 @Toyota888
I’m voting for the birds – they are just lovely! I would never have considered sewing a JACKET – not that I have even pulled the pattern out yet – but I purchased it
15 years ago LINKOk, first of all I’m flattered. So thanksT And second, I’d vote for the Amy Butler merely for the hand of the fabric alone. The Westminster/Free Spirit laminate is so soft and supple, you’ll love it!
15 years ago LINKLizabeth @Lizabeth
Do you have the ability to carry off a Butler print? They are such large prints. maybe you could make the collar a solid and that would help frame your face?
15 years ago LINKnorasroom @norasroom
That’s a good point, Lizabeth. I’m always drawn to these big graphic prints and forget that I’m 5 feet in shoes. On a tall day. Grrr. Great to know about the quality of the Westminster laminate, though. I so seldom get to touch fabric in real life before I buy!
In the end, it may come to immediate vs. delayed gratification. The Amy Butler prints are due out this month, while the Kokka is an 8-12 week wait.
15 years ago LINKToyota888 @Toyota888
I saw the two new Anna Maria Horner laminates from Liesl’s blog post on Etsy today if either of those grab you… just to make the decision more difficult!
15 years ago LINKnorasroom @norasroom
OMG, those are gorgeous!
15 years ago LINKApril Henry @April1930s
Having actually touched and petted the Anna Marie Horner laminates – same as that Liesl used with her School Days raincoats… I vote for those, too. AMAZING hand! While I am partial to the brown with pink polka dots that you and I so adore, the hand doesn’t quite compare to the Anna Marie Horner.
15 years ago LINKnorasroom @norasroom
To make matters worse, Heather Bailey also has some laminates coming out: http://www.trueup.net/?p=6764 and her fabrics, like Anna Maria’s and Amy Butler’s, come from Free Spirit/Westminster. So painful!
15 years ago LINKamylapinsky @amylapinsky
Norasroom, is there a particular ladies raincoat pattern you were thinking of using to make a jacket for yourself? I would love to make myself a raincoat!
15 years ago LINKnorasroom @norasroom
@amylapinsky, I ended up making my rain jacket out of the Amy Butler laminate, and I used the City Coat Pattern by Jalie. You can read my review of the pattern here:
And there are a few photos of my coat on Flickr:
If you scroll through my photostream, you’ll also see a few pictures of a second rain jacket that I made using Anna Maria Horner fabric and the same Jalie pattern.
15 years ago LINKamylapinsky @amylapinsky
Absolutely gorgeous!! Thank you for sharing the photos and pattern norasroom. If I get ambitious enough this Spring, I just may need to make myself a raincoat : )
15 years ago LINKWow, I just read your review of the Jalie pattern. So well written and thought out! You can write a review of our patterns anytime! And the jacket turned out nicely, too. I think raincoats have a right to be louder and more fun than anything else we own–except maybe our rain BOOTS! After all, who doesn’t need a little happiness in the middle of a downpour?
15 years ago LINKnorasroom @norasroom
Oh, BOOTS! I am so on the look-out for turquoise dotted rain boots. If anyone sees some in a 7, lemme know!
15 years ago LINKCarolB @CarolB
I went to flickr and saw all of the lovely garments. I am impressed they are sewn beautifully. Thank you for sharing. I am now inspired. CarolB
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