Oliver + S

Oliver + S as gateway drug

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    norasroom @norasroom

    After my experience with the School Days jacket, I’m thinking of sewing a hooded rain jacket for myself with one of the amazing new laminates coming out this fall. I’m torn between the new Echino http://www.trueup.net/?p=6863 (oh, those birds!) and Love by Amy Butler http://www.amybutlerdesign.com/products/fabrics_love_laminated1.php (look at that paradise garden in midnight!).

    Has anyone else found that for Oliver + S you’ll tackle projects you’d otherwise be way too intimidated to sew? There’s something so approachable about sewing something in a child’s size, and Liesl’s instructions are like a sewing master class.

    What have you sewn this year that’s stretched your limits? And should I go with the birds or the flowers? DH thinks both are over the top!

    Toyota888 @Toyota888

    I’m voting for the birds – they are just lovely! I would never have considered sewing a JACKET – not that I have even pulled the pattern out yet – but I purchased it 🙂

    Liesl Gibson

    Ok, first of all I’m flattered. So thanksT And second, I’d vote for the Amy Butler merely for the hand of the fabric alone. The Westminster/Free Spirit laminate is so soft and supple, you’ll love it!

    Lizabeth @Lizabeth

    Do you have the ability to carry off a Butler print? They are such large prints. maybe you could make the collar a solid and that would help frame your face?

    norasroom @norasroom

    That’s a good point, Lizabeth. I’m always drawn to these big graphic prints and forget that I’m 5 feet in shoes. On a tall day. Grrr. Great to know about the quality of the Westminster laminate, though. I so seldom get to touch fabric in real life before I buy!

    In the end, it may come to immediate vs. delayed gratification. The Amy Butler prints are due out this month, while the Kokka is an 8-12 week wait.

    Toyota888 @Toyota888

    I saw the two new Anna Maria Horner laminates from Liesl’s blog post on Etsy today if either of those grab you… just to make the decision more difficult!

    norasroom @norasroom

    OMG, those are gorgeous!

    April Henry @April1930s

    Having actually touched and petted the Anna Marie Horner laminates – same as that Liesl used with her School Days raincoats… I vote for those, too. AMAZING hand! While I am partial to the brown with pink polka dots that you and I so adore, the hand doesn’t quite compare to the Anna Marie Horner.

    norasroom @norasroom

    To make matters worse, Heather Bailey also has some laminates coming out: http://www.trueup.net/?p=6764 and her fabrics, like Anna Maria’s and Amy Butler’s, come from Free Spirit/Westminster. So painful!

    amylapinsky @amylapinsky

    Norasroom, is there a particular ladies raincoat pattern you were thinking of using to make a jacket for yourself? I would love to make myself a raincoat!

    norasroom @norasroom

    @amylapinsky, I ended up making my rain jacket out of the Amy Butler laminate, and I used the City Coat Pattern by Jalie. You can read my review of the pattern here:


    And there are a few photos of my coat on Flickr:


    If you scroll through my photostream, you’ll also see a few pictures of a second rain jacket that I made using Anna Maria Horner fabric and the same Jalie pattern.

    amylapinsky @amylapinsky

    Absolutely gorgeous!! Thank you for sharing the photos and pattern norasroom. If I get ambitious enough this Spring, I just may need to make myself a raincoat : )

    Liesl Gibson

    Wow, I just read your review of the Jalie pattern. So well written and thought out! You can write a review of our patterns anytime! And the jacket turned out nicely, too. I think raincoats have a right to be louder and more fun than anything else we own–except maybe our rain BOOTS! After all, who doesn’t need a little happiness in the middle of a downpour?

    norasroom @norasroom

    Oh, BOOTS! I am so on the look-out for turquoise dotted rain boots. If anyone sees some in a 7, lemme know!

    CarolB @CarolB

    I went to flickr and saw all of the lovely garments. I am impressed they are sewn beautifully. Thank you for sharing. I am now inspired. CarolB

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