Oliver + S

Oh my Gawd, my book has shipped!!

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    mrsc1345 @mrsc1345

    Just got an email saying my Little Things to Sew Book will be here on Monday!! Happy Valentines Day to me!!!!

    KellyNYC @KellyNYC

    Ahh jealous!! Where did you order it from?

    Anonymous @

    Mine shipped out today too- I had pre-ordered it on Amazon. I am sooo excited!!!!

    Liesl Gibson

    That’s great news! We’re expecting our copies to arrive on Monday as well, and they’ll be available for sale on the website later in the week. Hurray!

    thejennigirl @thejennigirl

    I’ll be watching for the copies on here. I’m holding out for autographed!

    shasta @shasta

    Oh I’m green with envy! I pre-ordered from Amazon too but it hasn’t shipped yet. Boo hoo!

    Justine J @justmejay

    Drats! Just checked Book Depository and they still have it listed as ‘awaiting publication’!

    mrsc1345 @mrsc1345

    I also bought mine from amazon. Wishing I had sprung for the overnight shipping so I could have it in my hands today.

    daisygirl78 @daisygirl78

    Amazon (in Canada) doesn’t seem to have shipped yet either 🙁

    JohannaO @JohannaO

    Mine is being packed and shipped, and it says it will be here on Wednesday. Now I’m going to hope for good weather between here and wherever it’s coming from!

    mela @mela

    I was just at Barnes and Noble and got the book! i was surprised to see it there already, but there it was! I’m loving the winter bear hat, and being that Chicago is likely to have a bit of winter still to go, I think I’m starting with that! It’s beautifully photographed and the projects are great!

    freyiris @freyiris

    I have an e-mail from the book depository saying mine will ship in the next couple of days. Yay! Justine did you receive one overnight?

    Will hopefully arrive in Oz just in time for me to enjoy as a pick-me -up after having 2 wisdom teeth extracted in a week and a half. Hopefully I’ll feel well enough to squeeze some sewing in while I’m off work.

    Justine J @justmejay

    Yay!!! Just checked – yes – I got the email too Sharon! (although the Book Dep seems sooooo slow at the moment :()

    Bummer re teeth – I’ve had all 4 of mine out so I sympathise!!!!

    etc3 @etc3

    I got the email too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I actually shrieked when I read it which had my whole family rush into the study with concern. I realise I am a bit of a sad case. Come on Book Dep get it into the post today!

    shasta @shasta

    I couldn’t take it anymore so I emailed Amazon about my order. They said they can “confirm” that it’s scheduled for release on March 1st and will be shipped to me then. Isn’t that weird? I don’t know if it’s because it’s being shipped to China or what. I wrote and told them that I had it on good authority that others who pre-ordered received shipment notifications. Hmmm. I’m so bummed. Amazon orders takes a good 3-weeks after shipment to arrive here. Don’t they know that us Oliver + S fans are dying to get our hands on that book?

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