Oliver + S


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    dare moi @dare moi

    I just received a whole heap of pattern in the post, and have been drooling over the little things to sew book too. This leaves me with a long ‘to do ‘ list.

    I was just thinking that we should have a NO SEW NIGHT sometime, so that we can let our creative juices flow into other areas of our life (instead of hiding away in our sewing rooms).

    Don’t get me wrong, I end up in my room HEAPS when the kids are asleep, or the house is empty!! Time to enjoy nature a bit more, read wonderful book, make ravishing love to your love, or have a long hot bath with a glass of wine!

    Nicole @motherof5

    I can do that and sew!

    dare moi @dare moi

    must be the reason why i only have 3 kids….. what a woman you are!!! 🙂

    Nicole @motherof5

    He He,what was little birdys comment from her husband??? Material websites-thats girl porn!

    Nicole @motherof5

    I took your advice and left a little earlier for my walk,so it was relaxing rather the exercising. I stopped to watch the lambs playing chasey and a dozen rosellas flew over me.

    I enjoyed the moment and thought of you,dare moi!

    Thank you!

    dare moi @dare moi

    oh… i am not very good at my own advice. i told myself i would stop at 2130 tonight, and it’s now 2205!!! Just one more seam, i’ll just pin the next one….

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Pinning is a gateway drug.

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

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