News and Current Affairs
11 years ago LINK
Tamara @justsewit
I just love how the royal families of Europe have decided they need new blood! Commoners are not as bad as first thought it seems hehe! I knew about princess Estelle and Crown Princess Victoria – her wedding seemed as much anticipated as William and Catherine’s (I just wish people would stop calling her Kate Middleton. RESPECT people!). Of course I think we in Oz have become more interested since our own Mary (yes she is still ours) was wed to Crown Prince Frederick.
Yes well which one was it who claims the title of Grandfather of the Monarchy or what ever? All the kids were spread out and married off to the heirs and spares of the houses of Europe and some came to horrible ends (poor Romanovs).
As for printers, I think you’ve all been jinxed! I have to go check and make sure mine can print off too!
The parcels FINALLY turned up and the blue I thought I had ordered is actually green! Ah well!
11 years ago LINKSarvi @Sarvi
Tee hee! I’m pretty sure I’ll be calling her Kate Middleton for the rest of my life. Getting married is not the kind of life achievement that earns my respect. No doubt she’ll be crying all the way to bank over it!
Isn’t it the worst when fabrics online are given ambiguous or mysterious color names? ‘Slate’ can be grey, blue, or loads of iffy shades between. ‘Slate blue’ would be perfectly fine and make sense. Hope your green fabric can still be put to good use!
11 years ago LINKlattemama @lattemama
Getting married is not the kind of life achievement that earns my respect. No doubt she’ll be crying all the way to bank over it!
LOL Sarvi!
11 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Oh yes it will absolutely! I will just make it green and not blue – that is if time stops and enables me to make another QUILT in a week! I have seriously LOST my marbles! It is one of those modern ones so hopefully the piecing (which looks a cinch) is just that. It’ll sit on the table once completed and (hopefully) exhibited.
Love that quote! I wonder if they thought that when the last commoner became royal?
On yes and if I could shove an unjinx through cyber space I would. My printer worked! It was the MOUSE that decided to strike – hehe!
11 years ago LINKlattemama @lattemama
Printer started to work again so now they are all printed off (instructions in colour!) and ready to be taped and traced tonight.
Isabel has flute class and Sofia has a dance class tonight that will take up a lot of time but after that, baby, I have a date with my kitchen table and the tape dispenser!
11 years ago LINKwith love Heidi @with love Heidi
Bumping this up as I noticed it had fallen off the front page.
11 years ago LINKMaggie @Maggie
I just dreamed that I didn’t have enough fabric to cut out a size 5 Sunday Brunch jacket. Is that a nightmare? I knew you ladies would understand.
When I think of royal children, I always wonder what their upbringing is like. Do they have a normal family life or just a squad of nannies?
Of course, in the US we don’t have royalty so we check out the British ones or elevate Brad and Angelina.
11 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Well I am not sure about how Prince George will go but I am sure there will be a nanny there somewhere along the line. They can’t keep calling in granny Middleton, the “establishment” won’t approve. I do know that the Queen had several and was schooled at home but Charles was sent to boarding school at some really young age. They wouldn’t have a rocker, a wet nurse a pram pusher and a nappy changer – that went out with Noah’s Ark. I think this little boy will be given as close to “normal” an upbringing as possible – whatever normal happens to be.
Maggie it WAS just a dream (nightmare) wasn’t it? My current nightmare is finding myself still stitching on Wednesday when I have to take these things to Perth. I have made a pact with myself to start pretty much in November for next year just so I can have no excuse to panic!
11 years ago LINKneedlewoman @needlewoman
As it happens, I spotted an article in the local paper that mentioned the new prince’s nanny situation. The new parents are re-drafting William and Harry’s old nanny – can’t remember her name. Seems W thought she was great, and although she is now over 70, she is incredibly chuffed to be ask and will do it on part time basis. So there you go.
Yes, sewing nightmares are a regular part of my sleep, especially when I’m anxious about either the fabric/trims I’ve chosen, or I’m under the gun to complete the item. I was wondering why you were driving yourself so hard, Jsit – but having to take the name day dresses, and finish I’s new frock is pretty stressful.
Lightning, I’m not sure what thread this info belongs in, but Fort Worth Fabric Studio has 1.3 yards ( = abt 1.2 metres) of the bicycle fabric you admired in Flickr for $9.25 USA. That should be enuf to do something nice with for your little girl, and I can recommend FWFS as a great online shop to deal with.
11 years ago LINKMaggie @Maggie
Well I bought two yards of denim to make a SB jacket and extra to spare. I got home and realized it is 58″ wide fabric. I made a size 6 jacket to have room to spare, but it was too big for my sturdy 4 year old. (Perfect for my older daughter, lucky girl.)
Ah, but there was enough to cut the size 5. I printed out the size 5 last night but but was too tired to cut. I guess I have anxiety that something will go wrong.
This will be my third Sunday brunch jacket this month. Great pattern, but I’m ready for something else.
11 years ago LINKwith love Heidi @with love Heidi
I can relate to wanting to make something else, I often get to the third in a row and feel the same 🙂
11 years ago LINKneedlewoman @needlewoman
Just wanted to send my thoughts and sympathy to any of our forum who may be directly or indirectly affected by the shooting at the Navy Yard in Washington DC. I know it sounds silly for an Australian but I feel quite proprietorial towards the Federal Mall, and its surrounding areas. I spent a fortnight walking, exploring and sightseeing it in 2000, and feel so much for the sense of outrage and invasion that may be felt by the workmates, and families of those killed and wounded who were going about what they expected to be an ordinary Monday morning at their workplace. Australia is a long way from anywhere, but our country has a very “special relationship” with the States, and consequently, many Aussies are thinking of our afflicted brothers and sisters over there.
11 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
No I don’t think it silly Needlewoman. In fact I think it is very caring of you to send your sympathies. I mean we have just seen an anniversary that took so many lives and I believe that every country of the world was affected not just those within the U.S.
It is really hard to know if this person was seeking help and had none and did this because of an illness or something else. I haven’t really been listening to the news lately – too many negatives.
I think they should make it mandatory to share a good news story on the evening news every night just so people can feel as though the world isn’t such a terrible place.
I have relatives in the US who I think of every time something like this happens and pray they are not caught in the midst of it all. So no you are not silly at all.
I’m going to the big smoke today to drop of my three things at the show – it was six but three aren’t done and I am ok with it. I feel absolutely exhausted but happy to actually have something to contribute and I am praying someone sticks something smocked in the smocking section as my half made dress hasn’t got the brazilian flowers on it and it looks a bit off anyway. You get to the point where you are arguing with yourself internally over what to do. I say three is better than none and I have a head start on next year.
11 years ago LINKneedlewoman @needlewoman
Thanks J, for the support but more importantly, others reading out forum threads will feel thought of when times are too tough. Way to go on your attitude re. what you’ve completed for the Show. Half a loaf is always better than none!!
11 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Exhibits deposited at 1.30pm this arvo and I left home at 8.10am. I have been given a heads up on the choice of animal for next year – chook or pig. I put in a request for sheep as I have heaps of stuff for sheep like a cute appliqué motif to go around the hem of a dress etc and I even thought of purchasing some sherpa today!! I will wait for the next year’s show schedule before I decide on participating in that one.
I might still go back for the sherpa though. It would come in handy for winter.
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