Oliver + S

Need thin piping cord. Where to buy?

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    BeckyinFL @BeckyinFL

    I’ve been looking for some time for very thin cord to use for piping on baby clothes. Any suggestions? I would prefer something that doesn’t shrink, but if cotton is all I can find, I’ll pre-shrink it. I’m about to buy some cotton yarn to use, though it is a bit too soft for the use. Many thanks.

    meleliza @meleliza

    You could use yarn for thin piping cord. Or make flat piping. Otherwise, I think Joann should have a few sizes.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Have you tried farmhouse fabrics?

    NanaMar @NanaMar

    I make my own piping, using Cro-sheen and cotton fabric (pre-washed). This makes a finer piping than the piping available at my local fabric store here in Canada.

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    I make my own using (smooth, not tweedy) kitchen twine, as that’s what I happened to have on hand when I first tried it, and I liked it so much I kept using it. I cut my bias to 1.25 inches and then I can line up the raw edge of the bias with the raw edge of the fabric and use a 1/2 in seam as normal. Works very nicely.

    Nicole @motherof5

    Hardware stores are good

    katybellabug @katybellabug

    I have used blind cord before and that works well. I had some on hand from making roman blinds and it was just the right size.

    BeckyinFL @BeckyinFL

    Wow! Thank you, all! That’s exactly what I needed to know. Lots of ideas and options now!

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