Oliver + S

lullaby layette jacket

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    Nicole Zacharia @nzach123

    I am making the jacket from the lullaby layette pattern, which is a quilted baby jacket. Now, because I am being lazy, I purchased a quilted fabric for it. My question is how to approach the sleeves; they are drafted with a dart that goes up to the shoulder seam. As the pattern is written, one sews the dart on each layer of the sleeve fabric then puts the layers together. My problem is that my layers are already together! Should I try and take apart my sleeve pieces and put a dart separately in the top ad bottom, or just sew one dart and have it be on the inside of the sleeve? Of course I imagine that there will be some bulk in such a dart. Opinions?

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    Hi Nicole. Is it your intention not to line the jacket?
    If you’re using your quilted fabric on its own AND want the jacket to be reversible then yes, it would be super neat to unpick some of the quilting and make a two internal facing darts.
    Otherwise I’d just make the dart as directed, press it towards the back and even stitch it down with an edgestitch. That will flatten it a bit and add a kind of topstitched coat look!
    Sounds like a great little garment!

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