Oliver + S

linen tips?

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    aegean17 @aegean17

    I’ve been sewing with some handkerchief linen and am really struggling with how much it moves. it shifts when I cut large pieces and I find difficult to get a straight hem. any tips for taming linen?

    Tamara @justsewit

    I haven’t worked with hankerchief linen for a while now but I used to give it a bit of spray starch to stiffen it up a little. I found that pinning more often than usual also helped it to not slide. Make sure any overhang of fabric is up on the surface you are cutting on in order to stop the drag which will impede on a good cut.

    This is all I can offer but I hope it is helpful. Maybe you could use dressmakers weights whilst cutting also? They may stop the movement a bit also.

    sayiamyou @maraya

    Pins and more pins! I still cut it with my rotary cutter, though I use shorter strokes. I’ll then straighten up with scissors if there are so crazy pieces. Don’t forget to overlock or zig zag the seam allowances though!!

    aegean17 @aegean17

    thanks for the tips! off to buy some starch. I have many yards of this linen so I hope I can make peace with it

    Liesl Gibson

    Here is a link to a few additional tips with regard to sewing with linen:


    aegean17 @aegean17

    thanks for the link!

    today I placed a toothy flannel underneath the linen and it really helped keep the shifting to a minimum while I was using a rotary cutter

    Jennifer1568 @Jennifer1568

    Yes, thanks for the link, Liesl. I like reading tips for neater construction.

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