Oliver + S

Lengthening Playsuit to make overalls

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    bevin @bevin

    Okily, I’ve read the blog about lengthening pattern pieces but I’m new to all this pattern malarkey and the playsuit is short shorts so please bear with me and my stupid question.

    For the Playsuit would I a mark a straight line perpendicular to the grain line below the pointey out crotch bit? Then chop the pattern there, move the chopped piece down the grain line, insert a new piece to join the original two up in straight lines.

    Does that even make sense?

    Thank you to anyone that understands me and can help!! 🙂

    Tamara @justsewit

    Bevin that isn’t a silly question at all, it’s just a clarification of the instructions.

    And just for the record, even though I don’t have this particular pattern, I think you have hit the nail right on the head. They will look great!

    Just to be sure of the process though, I would do a mock (toile) to start with just to familiarise yourself with the process. You could even try it on the little one to see how it fits and make any adjustments from there.

    I feel inspired to get this pattern now even though my little ones have gown too big.

    JohannaO @JohannaO

    I meant to respond to this a while ago, and totally forgot about it.

    You can absolutely use the method you just described, but I decided to complicate things a bit. I frankenstien-ed two patterns together to lengthen them. I traced everything to the “pointy out crotch bit” (and I can’t think of a better way to describe that piece!) and then I picked up my pattern tracing, matched it up the bedtime story pajamas’ pointy out crotch bit and then traced down from there. I added about 1 1/2″ for seam allowance onto the bottom of that piece, and then repeated the procedure for the back. I loved how they turned out. I added a self drafted pocket to the front, and then I used the back pockets from the Sandbox Pants and positioned them roughly to that pattern.




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