Oliver + S

Jo-Ann's Butterick Sale March 6-8 –for those in the U.S.

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    miss_sonja @miss_sonja

    Just got my Jo-Ann’s flyer and they’re having a sale on Butterick March 6-8; time to pick up the new Lisette patterns!

    mcholley1 @mcholley1

    I’m so glad to know this! Thanks for sharing!

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Thank you, great to know!

    Nicole @motherof5

    Lucky ducks, I hope it is a good price.
    I *may* have already placed an order for them (and for a sewing chum)

    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by Nicole.
    mkhs @mkhs

    I picked up the new Lisette dress B6168 at JoAnn Fabrics this morning– it was in a separate, all-Lisette display on top of the pattern cabinets and marked as 40% off. When it rang up, I was only charged $1.66– I don’t know if it was a fluke, but it’s worth checking out if you’re going there anyway! Can’t wait to make it up. I have 3 yards of lovely marine blue linen I got for next to nothing at our local surplus & salvage store.

    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by mkhs.
    Todd Gibson

    We’ve heard that there is a separate box out for the new Lisette patterns, but we haven’t seen it yet–if you can believe that.

    If someone is going shopping next week to get these on sale and happens to see the box, please take a photo and share it here. We would love to see what Butterick has done.

    meleliza @meleliza

    Thanks for the heads up! That would be worth a quick trip over the bridge.

    Joann’s sale price is usually $1-$2. I know that’s a bargain to those overseas!

    , marine blue linen sounds stunning!

    Brittney @georgeandizzy

    Maybe not the display you were meaning @todd, but this was my store tonight.

    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by Brittney. Reason: Technology gets the best of me every time
    Todd Gibson

    Thanks @georgeandizzy. I’m not sure if that’s it or not. They’ll often do a special printed display just for the brand. Has anyone else seen anything like that?

    meleliza @meleliza

    I’ve a lot going on just now, but I’ll try hard to check the Cherry Hill, NJ store next weekend.

    meleliza @meleliza

    Cherry Hill had a special display on top of the pattern drawers. Lisette were front row, but they were in fact mixed with McCalls new patterns too.

    The patterns from the display were not ringing up at the sale price. They came up as McCall patterns. Check your receipts! Patterns from the drawer rang up as they should. Mixing the display clearly confused the poor computers.

    meleliza @meleliza

    Oh, and I was browsing the Butterick website last night. If you look at their online look book, it tells you what most of the fabrics used on the patterns covers are. The last page tells you where most of the accessories came from!

    miss_sonja @miss_sonja

    Meleliza, I had that same problem yesterday with some of the Lisettle ringing up wrong, as McCall’s. I checked and they were ones with a “P” in the pattern number, i.e. some of the styles (Moto jacket, and crossover dress) had envelopes with two different pattern numbers and PLUs. Got it fixed, no problem, but keep an eye out.

    Once I finish my teen’s Comicon costume, I can sew for me.:-)

    vothgirl @vothgirl

    My sister had the same issue with the Lisette patterns (which clearly say “Butterick” on the envelopes!) ringing up as McCalls during the 3/$5 sale a couple weeks ago – except that the store manager wouldn’t honor the terms of the sale and let her have them at the sale price. It took a call to the central customer service center to get it somewhat straightened out. So strange, as I had absolutely no issues buying the exact same patterns 2,000 miles away at my Joann’s the day before!

    Jillls @Jillls

    My husband, the enabler, bought me 2 of the patterns and paid 1.99 each.

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