Oliver + S

Is any one in Australia willing to get fabric for the us?

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    Aviatrix51 @Aviatrix51

    Specifically – this https://www.spotlightstores.com/sewing-fabrics/dress-apparel-fabrics/woven-apparel-fabrics/pusheen-celestial-poplin/BP80450629

    I am willing to PayPal you the cost plus shipping for a meter of this. Also have some older Oliver and S fabrics in yardage that I will swap.



    J @AustralianWoman

    hi- most of us don’t dare go to spotlight at the moment – we are in lockdown for covid … also spotlight has just had its massive June 30 sale so the on-line stock levels may not be accurate … alternatively you may want to find a professional site that allows you to ship to a post box in Australia – and they then ship it on to the US … as we are able to do in reverse… all prepaid of course. Good luck!

    Aviatrix51 @Aviatrix51

    Hi, thanks for the information. I didn’t know about the Dropbox shipping thing, and I just did that. We are not in lockdown again, but I suspect we will be again. Please stay safe and well! Kate

    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by Aviatrix51.
    Louise@Sydney @Louise13

    Hi Kate,

    I am happy to help.
    I have a Spotlight store in my area. I live in Sydney.
    let me know if you are still interested.


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