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I want to cry! Fastest pattern shipping?

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    thejennigirl @thejennigirl

    I’ve had my daughter’s Easter dress planned for months. And then, we got a foot of snow on Tuesday. 6 more inches on Wednesday. We’re supposed to get between 7″ & 12″ tonight. The forcast for Easter? Hovering around freezing, with lots of snow on the ground.

    Her planned dress, even with a cardigan, would be entirely unsuitable for snowboot weather (never mind her adorable sandals I snagged end of season last fall). So, it’s back to the drawing board. I think the Fairytale dress will be perfect, and I prefer print patterns over digital. So, tell me, if I ordered tonight, who could get me my pattern the fastest? For the record, I’m in western Pennsylvania, and I’m paying with PP…

    Todd Gibson

    Well, I’m going to recommend that you go the digital route this time–given the time between now and Easter.

    Even if you find someone who will ship overnight (which we don’t advertise that we do, but we’ve been known to do it on request for special occasions) and you place an order tonight there is no way that you’ll get your pattern before Monday afternoon–which doesn’t leave you all that much time to fit and sew for Easter. (Not to mention that there will be a shipping upcharge for overnight shipping that’s probably going to be way more than the cost of the pattern itself….)

    If you’re interested in the Fairy Tale Dress, this sounds like a perfect opportunity to try a digital pattern. Make your purchase tonight and you’ll be able to download it immediately. It will take you 25 minutes, tops, to print and assemble the pattern pieces. That way you’re on to cutting out your fabric tonight–which gives you a whole weekend plus of additional sewing time!

    thejennigirl @thejennigirl

    To be honest, if it was here by Wednesday, I would be good to go.

    I haven’t even bought new fabric yet (hour drive to the fabric shoppe). Everyone else’s Easter clothes are made, except for one pair of pants (instead of the planned shorts), and I have plenty of free time on my hands after this weekend. I figure if something was shipped priority and went out in the mail tomorrow, it would be here by Wednesday, right?

    fwiw, I just detest digital patterns. I’m old fashioned, and if I can get it in print, it makes storage and use so simple and clean.

    KellyNYC @KellyNYC

    I agree with Todd. Do you have a local printer or a staples/kinkos near you that can print it out on a 36″ sheet? I just got the digital version of Roller Skate and Pinwheel and was not inconvenienced in the least by having the digital instead of paper version. Granted, I had my printer print out the 36″ sheet for $10 to save me the trouble of piecing together.

    Otherwise, Pink Chalk carries this pattern, and they’re pretty fast. But I wouldn’t expect it before Tuesday. They don’t have an expedited option and ship USPS: http://www.pinkchalkfabrics.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=10904

    This pattern took me a good 3-5 nights to complete both times I’ve made it. I don’t know if I’d chance it and wait til midweek to begin sewing for Sunday.

    May I ask which dress you were originally planning on? Would it give you the option to layer a turtleneck underneath and pair with leggings?

    Good luck!!

    thejennigirl @thejennigirl

    It was a vintage sun dress pattern from 1947. Has a keyhole back with an adorable bow above it. I planned on making it in Lawn. Definately NOT a turtleneck friendly dress.

    Where is Pink Chalk located? Are they East coast or West?

    KellyNYC @KellyNYC

    They are west coast, I just checked. Washington. Everything I’ve ordered from there has taken no longer than 3 days, but the weekend might throw things off. I’d maybe order it right now, call them first thing in the morning and beg them to get it in the mail tomorrow. I didn’t turn up too many other sellers that seemed like they’d have fast shipping. Or, appeal to Todd and see if they’ll overnight it to you!

    sayiamyou @maraya


    Think I’d go for digital this time.

    thejennigirl @thejennigirl

    Does O+s ship first class or priority?

    thejennigirl @thejennigirl

    Alright, I ordered the print pattern from O+s, since it’s the state next door. I’ll have to call them in the morning after I get to work and ask that it goes out Priority mail tomorrow. That should have it here either Monday or Tuesday. I can’t sew until Tuesday anyway, so this works.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Hope it gets to you fast! I don’t live in the States and I have found the shipping worth the wait – fast and convenient and if in a real hurry the digital patterns are easy to put together. I spoiled myself rotten and got both!

    Brittney @georgeandizzy

    If you do get it later in the week there are ways to save time on the sewing- you are supposed to hand stitch the hem, but you can machine stitch it. Also I have left the lining unsewn (again hand stitching) to the main when I needed it the next day. Just make sure to finish it later;) Good luck, the Fairy tale is a great pattern and I definitely prefer the paper too.

    Reeni @Reeni

    The Fairytale dress would be good with long sleeves too… you could always skip the sash and crinoline/tulle to save time as well.

    meleliza @meleliza

    Oh, the things I’ve left unseen so I could wear something right away! I always feel so guilty so I’m glad to know I’m not the only one.

    Jenni, it’s a shame about the weather. Easter is always tough because you want the lovely spring dresses, but often it’s really cold, especially when it’s early. In Philly, we only got flurries yesterday but I heard about the snow everywhere else.

    Sorry your plans didn’t work out. I get so frustrated when mine don’t. Fairy tale is a really lovely pattern and not difficult.

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