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I miss sewing!

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    meleliza @meleliza

    do you mind if I post that here? I thought maybe some sewing friends would understand. We are having some family problems right now that have drained both my free time and energy, so I haven’t done any sewing in the past six weeks. I have so many nice little things planned that I’ve had to give up. It’s a shame too, because I find it very good for my mental health to get some sewing or knitting done during the day. Do you find that as well?

    Next week, my calendar is remarkably free of dr appointments, meetings, school events and even playdates so I’ve asked my husband if he will help me prioritize sewing time next week. Would you keep your fingers crossed for me that it works out?

    beachmom @beachmom

    Oh yes! Sewing is a little break from all the craziness that life can bring. My fingers are crossed that you’ll be able to get some sewing time squeezed in next week!

    Rpankow @excytin

    I agree with you and Beachmom, It’s a little bit of the day where I get to call the shots, and eventhough I can get frustrated with it, I don’t mind it. My husband asked me when am I going to stop sewing, because I’ve been doing it everyday for weeks now. I told him never. It’s ok to vent about missing something you love dearly. We’re all artist in our own right. What would a painter be without painting for that long, or a writer not being able to put down their thoughts on paper. It’s the same thing to me. I certainly hope it works out for you, you’ll have another person crossing their fingers! Good luck!

    emstone @emstone

    This is exactly how I feel. I was trying to explain to my SIL and Mom about how it really is therapy for me every night. After the rat race of 10+ hour work day, picking up the girls from daycare, fixing dinner and then the night time routine with baths, reading and rocking I am usually ready to collapse in a pile. Sewing after all of that usually gives my mind some time to wind down and relax before hopping into bed. I plan for about 45 minutes but more times than not it turns into an hour or more. I have not been able to sew for the last week because we have been doing some spring cleaning and my SIL came into town last night. I love it when I clean especially the carpets but I do miss my sewing. I can’t wait for Monday to come around so I can have it back!

    Nicole @motherof5

    I completely understand Meleiza,sewing is a huge part of my life.

    I like to sew or cut out every day,just for a break from everything else!

    My husband suggested on our next holiday I take some hand sewing,he said I was ‘twitchy’ by the second day.

    Fingers crossed for you,if you were closer,I would come and hold your baby so that you could sew. Six weeks is a long time!

    JohannaO @JohannaO

    And by hold, I’m pretty certain Nicole means she will cuddle, croon, and fuss over!

    I’m sorry things are rough. I find sewing a release to the end (or middle) of busy days. I love being able to point to something and say, “I did that” because so much of motherhood is intangible, and the results are uncertain.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Melizia, I really feel for you and having to take a break from something you love not out of pure choice. Making plans is good though and making sewing a priority through all the hectic times is great because it can help you to wind down and get back in the zone so to speak.

    I very much hope things calm down soon for you to get back to sewing. Six weeks is such a long time to be away from something that gives you so much release. Just try and keep stitching even if it is only 20 minutes a day.

    I’ll let you in on a little secret… last term was really rough for our family with lots of negative stuff happening with miss 8 at school. I used to do lots of hand embroidery prior to that but since haven’t done nearly as much. I have switched gates so to speak and stitched with the machine instead. I found that taking my frustrations out on the accelerator pedal got things achieved and no one got hurt – lol! I didn’t go all day, too much else on the plate but sat for 20 – 30 minutes throughout the day (5 minute blocks) and sewed. By the end of the week I had a garment and I felt like through the haze of manure flying in our direction, something positive was achieved and it made me feel better.

    JohannaO you hit the nail right on the head. Sewing and stitching gives us such a sense of concrete achievement – we can use our gifts and talents to make something unique and special and feel good about that even when other things aren’t going according to plan.

    Violaisabelle @Violaisabelle

    Last year was our year of a painful journey, taking me away from a great deal of sewing I was in the midst of planning for the year. I had to put much of it aside and invest in the crisis. It was only in Dec./Jan. we could start feeling somewhat normal and like we could turn to other things again. I never stopped sewing, but much of the sewing I wanted and needed to get done, did not. Thankfully I was able to tackle a few new projects that kept me going.

    Sometimes, we need to take a break during crisis. Sometimes, we need to keep sewing during crisis. It all depends on the situation, the time it demands, and how we cope with life.

    Emstrone hit the word I have been using to describe sewing for many people, “therapeutic”. In a time of crisis, having something to sew can be incredibly important to getting us through the crisis. Some people will need to set it aside. We should not underestimate the therapeutic abilities of sewing that force us to keep moving forward as we deal with difficulties in life.

    I’m sorry this is upon you at the moment. Perhaps try to limit your expectations for sewing right now, without giving it up all together? Trace one day. Cut out another day. Get all the sewing supplies ready another day. Sew one seam a day. Take smaller bites and plan, if you are able, to have the hand sewing parts to take with you when you have to be out or sitting and unable to be at the machine. If a pattern is new to you, take it with you like a book and study it so that you can think through the steps before you actually start the sewing process. Try to work out any questions you have, before you get sewing, if you are able. Don’t be discouraged if you can’t get it all done as quickly as you hoped….lower the expectations. Plan in advance, giving yourself way more time to finish a project than you have in the past.

    Nicole…..I have actually taken my sewing machines on holidays with us. 🙂 🙂 🙂 Holiday sewing for me is guilt free sewing time. 😉 I always try to save up hand sewing for when I have to be out and about. So much sewing can get done that way and for me, it’s relaxing, therapeutic and fun! 🙂

    I think above all, as with any thing we do in life, we need to keep things in balance as much as possible. Life is full of bumps along the way, how we deal with the bumps is what helps to define who we are and what’s important in our lives.

    I hope you are able to walk through this trial quickly and that next week provides some wonderful needed sewing time for you.


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