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    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I use 2 pencils elastic banded together, you could probably add a lego blocks or another pencil if you needed larger seam allowances. this gives me an approx 1/4″ seam allowance.

    KellyNYC @KellyNYC

    Thank you for the suggestions! I was going to pick up one of those tools. But I did see that pencil trick somewhere earlier…maybe it was from you, Heidi, somewhere else. The compass would make a lot of sense too. So, I guess whichever way I choose it shouldn’t be that difficult. Thanks for the encouragement!

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    I’ve been looking everywhere for one of those curved seam allowance/adjusting rulers with metric measurements as the Japanese patterns all use centimetres for the additional seam allowances. I finally found one but the markings are for 6mm and 12mm and so it’s obviously just an imperial one with the numbers changed! I’m just going along with a ruler and doing some free hand drawing of seam allowances, but I like the conjoined twin pencil trick. Thanks.

    Justine J @justmejay

    Not on Sarvi’s original topic, but I use this for adding seam allowance – they work really well:


    Tamara @justsewit

    They are the best tool aren’t they?! I use them with the Farbenmix and Ottobre Design patterns as they dont have seam allowances. Saves so much time – and here’s the swing back to the topic – I used to stand there and mark the seam allowances out before cutting!! I know! tragic! Now with the tool I dont need to. It is just a case of lay out the pattern set the seam allowance measurement (and more often than not it is already set) and cut away. I have to say for the ladies who like to Rotary cut, It sticks to that aswell.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I’ve seen those before, Justmejay and justweit and wondered how well they worked. I was adding seam allawances to self drawn vintage patterns.

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    If it involves a rare earth magnet, I want one.

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