Oliver + S

how do you decide?

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    Tamara @justsewit

    I was just flicking through the photos on my flickr page and looking at all the wonderful things people have made and it struck me with a question. How do you decide, when making a choice on the print or colour (especially) of a fabric to use with a particular pattern?

    Do you let it scream at you “Pick me!” and let it fall out of the storage place just to let you know its insistence? Or do you choose it based on the personality of the wearer? Or even your mood at the time? Or even the type of “look” you want to achieve?

    There are times when we all get stumped on what to choose when it comes to fabrics and Liesl has helped us out with the size of prints etc. But what I would like to know is do you have your own personal little check list when it comes to choosing the colours and prints for a particular pattern?

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    For me some fabrics screams “pick me! pick me!” I can’t see it as any other but some times I let my kids pick their fabric out. I will tell you it makes it harder for me to get into the outfit making part though. Although it is fun to see what fabrics they want. Some times I do just want some fabric because I love the print and it comes to me later what it needs to be.

    scgoble @scgoble

    I always buy fabric after deciding what I’m going to make. Usually, I’m inspired by RTW or something I see in the Flickr group. For instance, for my Traveler dress I saw Jeanne’s crosshatch version (http://www.flickr.com/photos/po-prior/5513966702/) and that got me thinking about stripes. She also made up a Colette dress in Cloud 9 fabric (http://www.flickr.com/photos/po-prior/6185182178/) so that got me looking at their collection. So I ended up with a stripy Cloud 9 fabric.

    I guess the bottom line is that I just copy Jeanne! 🙂

    rastis @rastis

    usually when i buy a fabric i will see it as something, and once i get that image into my head i usually push ahead with it… sometimes i really only know what i’m going to do with a fabric after i hold it in my hands (the fabric must speak to me haha:) and sometimes i am not sure what to do with a fabric, so i let it sit for a while until it starts to speak to me on what it should become…

    and if the fabric never speaks to me? hmm, well i think i need to start clearing those fabrics out of my stash!!

    beachmom @beachmom

    All of the above!

    It just depends really. I’m least likely to buy fabric with a specific project in mind as I tend to stock up on fabrics that I like (AMH voile or the CW knits for example) or basics (denim, solid interlock, etc.) when they’re on sale. The last time I bought fabric for a specific pattern was the wool melton for my oldest daughter’s duffle coat.

    When it comes time to choose fabric from my stash to make up a piece of clothing, I look at the intended recipient and what they like, how it will work with the existing clothes they have already, and whether the print/fabric weight is suitable for that sewing pattern.

    heck @heck

    Well, I used to buy a fabric because I liked it, with no plan for what to make with it. Doing it that way, I ended up with alot of permanent residents in my stash, and a few garments that weren’t well suited to the fabric I’d chosen. Nowadays (read: since my discovery of Oliver+S & Lisette) I choose the pattern first, take a look through Flickr to get my creative juices flowing, then I head out & see what fabrics I can find to achieve the look I’ve cooked up in my head. The end result is very little stash (it’s more like a queue now) and lots of really cute outfits. And an infinitely happier husband. :o)


    juliamom2009 @juliamom2009

    This may be kind of weird, but I actually let the fabrics and patterns “live together” on my sewing table for a few days. I’ll pull out the combinations I think may work, and then look at them as I walk by periodically. Sometimes, I’ll see something I didn’t see before, like a different fabric combination, or a better pattern to use.

    Also, I definitely buy some fabric with a pattern in mind…but I bought some for the swingset top, and don’t even have the pattern! It did call out to me in the fabric store….so now I wait for the digital download!

    rlarson @rlarson

    I usually buy fabrics (especially funky prints) simply because I love them. When sewing with the Oliver + S patterns, I pick the pattern & then decide what fabric to use (either from my stash or the fabric store). One of the most important things I’ve found, is how the fabric feels. If the fabric feels really nice, then my daughter seems to love it regardless of the print or color… The Flickr group is a great place to go for ideas & inspiration.

    dkbnyc @dkbnyc

    i let the fabric speak to me- if i have to think too hard about it, then i probably wont be happy with the results. I have 2 girls so i think its a bit easier to sew for them instead of boys. I like loud prints, bright colors- things that lend themselves to simple styles: peasant dresses and pull on skirts.

    To be honest, since Oliver + S patterns are a bit fussier than my usual taste, it does take me longer to choose fabrics for the patterns. I also take extra care in choosing the fabrics since i know the garment will take more time to make. I other peruse Flickr to see what others have done.

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