Oliver + S

Help with Sizing question for former preemie

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    cheriev @cheriev

    Help! I’d like to make the after-school pants for my daughter but need help with sizing….My 4 year old’s measurements are:

    Waist: 18 1/2 inches

    Hips: 20 inches

    Height: 40 inches

    Weight: 27.5 pounds

    I don’t know what to do. Should I make a size 12-18M and lengthen halfway between the crotch & hem? Will the crotch itself be long enough?

    Liesl Gibson

    Looks like you’ve got a tall, skinny one! I do too. Without seeing her proportions, I’d say go with the 18-24m and add length around the knee (between the rise and the hem). You can always adjust the elastic so it fits her tiny waist, and that will give her a little growing room without being too gigantic. As I recall, we graded this style so the rise would be a little longer in the smaller sizes to accommodate diapers, so I think you won’t have any problems there. Let us know how it works out, ok?

    S is almost 7 now, and I could still lengthen a size 4 to fit her. But I usually opt for a 5 or sometimes 6, lengthened to an 8, just because it’s a little easier to do, it keeps the proportions more accurate, and it gives her a little room to grow.

    I hope that helps!

    cheriev @cheriev

    Thanks so much! I’m excited to try this out!

    cheriev @cheriev

    I finished my pants and am so thrilled, overjoyed, ready to sing praises to Liesl for her great patterns and advice. Thank you very very very much! My DD was born at 27 weeks and I’ve always been concerned about her size, but now I can do something about her skinny little waist & pants! Hooray! Here’s a picture.

    Liesl Gibson

    They look great on her! Thanks for the picture–it’s always fun to see how a sewing project turns out.

    She looks like she’s got plenty of energy, too! I doubt you’ll need to worry about her size for long; I suspect she’ll hold her own no matter how tiny or slim she might be! Best wishes.

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