Oliver + S

Help me find this fabric!!

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    cybele727 @cybele727

    Hi all,

    Many of you are so attuned to various designers and fabrics, that I thought one of you marvelous ladies could help.

    I saw this fabric and want it desperately. DESPERATELY, I tell you!


    There are no identifying marks. Have any of you seen it? Searching for “fabric by yard with dresses on it” doesn’t really do much good as I am sure you can imagine.

    I have emailed the person’s FB page, but it is from a business of someone who sews. I can imagine that they don’t want to give out their sources, even though she doesn’t sew clothing. Just toys, teething stuff, blankets, etc.

    So I thought I would ask all you fabric mavens if you have seen it or think you might know who it might be designer wise.



    Jane @jesims
    cybele727 @cybele727

    Wow. you are good. Really good. Thank you. 🙂

    Maggie @Maggie

    Some of the other color ways are cute too.

    cybele727 @cybele727

    I know. I am debating. The picture looks vintage color way based on the dresses, but the background is much lighter in vintage in the photo than it is on a website (which looks like a computer rendering or drawing).

    So now, it is which color way, and which pattern, although clearly a dress pattern. Hollah, roller skate, I may be looking your way! 🙂 But not until I finish the most recent one….

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