From what I’ve seen, sewing is the next “in” thing after knitting. The trendy shop that started out offering knitting classes in my neighborhood is now also carrying Amy Butler fabrics and patterns. And, there is a new business in the same neighborhood that is primarily offering sewing lessons. They’re calling themselves home ec studio.
I stopped by my sewing machine dealer last week to order a special foot. And, when I bought my new machine a few years back (2004), I was the only person under 40 that came to the shop, attended all the guide classes and joined their sewing group. Now, that same shop is desperately looking for more sewing teachers. And, they are offering 2 beginning sewing classes per weekend. Whereas before, they would offer a basic sewing class once or twice a year.
So, sewing is definitely seeing a resurgence. And, I think it is too big to be credited to Project Runway alone.