Oliver + S

Has anyone seen "Lincoln"?

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    needlewoman @needlewoman

    I’m a costume drama, and history nut, and when you are a sewist, this is not such a stretch. Down Under, we cannot expect the new film, “Lincoln” (Daniel Day Lewis and Sally Field starring as Mr and Mrs L) to open until mid January at the earliest because of the Christmas/summer holidays. So I’d love to know if any forum members have seen the film, and what you thought of it.

    Hoping for lots of responses,


    meleliza @meleliza

    No, but its on my list right after Les Mis. I had a high school obsession with the musical and the book. However, we rarely go out to the movies (prefer to spend our babysitting dollars on actually spending time together) so I may not see them until they’re on DirecTV. Plus, DH needs to see the new James Bond, so that may be our priority if we do actually make it to the theater. I get my costume fix from Downton Abby and the new Upstairs Downstairs. I can hardly wait for the new Downton Abby season!

    needlewoman @needlewoman

    Hi Mel,

    I saw Les Mis in 1990 in Melbourne at the Princess Theatre, and was completely bowled over! (This tells you how ancient I am). I had to eat ‘humble pie’ afterwards as prior to seeing it, I was rather disparaging about such a classic novel being ‘turned into’ a musical.

    Tonight I saw on ABC TV here a show that reviews movies quite seriously. Lincoln was rated very highly as was a new version of Anna Karenina with Keira Knightly playing Anna. In particular, AK received v. high praise for its costumes! I doubt we’ll see many of the ‘blockbusters’ until Jan/Feb in the run-up to the Oscars. They tend to come thick and fast after our Oz kids return to school at the end of Jan.

    I’m with you on Downton Abbey, and the revived Up/Downstairs. Coincidentally, the ABC (our equivalent of Public TV without ads) is rescreening the first series of UD; a new series has already been made which presumably takes the household into WWII. It’s not just the costumes but the sets (furniture, tableware, jewellery and general household objects) that has me riveted, also. Movies are expensive here, too so I tend to save them for special occasions or heatwaves.

    scgoble @scgoble

    Apparently dressmaking plays a role in the Lincoln movie. I thought this was just fascinating:


    juliamom2009 @juliamom2009

    Yes, I saw that on NPR as well. Absolutely fascinating. I went and read the wikipedia entry about her as well….a story I had never heard! Now, I’d love to see some of her designs!

    Jess M. @mommy2maria

    I want to see them all!

    meleliza @meleliza

    Thanks for sharing Camille! My sitter saw Lincoln with her coworkers (she’s an archivist and civil war buff) and said it was good but probably not as worth seeing on the big screen as Les Mis and the new James Bond. I’m excited for Anna Kareinnina too. I wonder if I’ll get time to go out to the movies? It gets awfully pricey by the time you add up tickets, babysitter, parking/cab etc. still, there are some good movies.

    needlewoman @needlewoman

    Thanks for that feedback from your sitter, Meleliza. The info I’ve read/seen abt the film do suggest that it’s very wordy, and focuses intensely on Lincoln rallying the numbers to pass the Emancipation Act – so there is a lot of politiking and lobbying to be seen – set of course against the last months of the Civil War. And often, that’s just the kind of movie I wait for to come out on DVD but with costumes, and the likelihood that it will be a major contender for the Oscars, I will definitely treat myself to the real deal. Some of the houses here have ‘cheaper’ days which always helps.

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