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    LauraB @LauraB

    Book week is imminent and my daughter has decided she wants to go as Goldilocks. I think someone told her that was what she should go as because she has blonde ringlets. I’m a bit sad as I was keen to get busy with the hot glue gun making a gruffalo outfit or something, but we are stuck with greedy, selfish little Goldilocks.


    If you were making a Goldilocks dress would you:

    a) use fairy tale with sleeves (dress blue, collar white) with apron (gathered with bib)?

    b) use music box (blue) with music class blouse (white) underneath and pinafor-style apron?

    c) use another fab O+S pattern in a way I haven’t thought of?

    d) buy something from the shop?

    Other relevant information: book week is two weeks and it is winter in Sydney (although still pretty warm today).

    Many thanks for any thoughts, ideas or suggestions!


    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    How old/what size? I was thinking tea party blue on the outer skirt panels and bodice and white for the central panel, or maybe an all blue one with an extra, shortened middle front skirt panel sewn into the curved bodice seam over the longer blue front panel. You will probably still want a long sleeve shirt for warmth underneath.

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    Oooh. I’d have to go with this version: http://www.amazon.com/Goldilocks-Three-Bears-Tale-Moderne/dp/0810941392

    The bears live in a split level house, have Eames chairs and all sorts of ‘modern’ furniture. Goldilocks herself gets to wear some very sharp 60’s inspired outfits!

    Ok, no-one else would recognise her as goldilocks but it could lead to some really good discussion about modern art and architecture….

    needlewoman @needlewoman

    You are a riot, Lightning – just took a look at book cover – very funny but as you say, no one is going to ‘recognise’ Goldilocks, ringlets or not!

    Having grown up in Sydney winters, I vote for a MB pinny, blouse, and pinafore with flutter sleeves, tights and boots (very 19th century) or what we used to call, “party shoes” (usually black patent leather); striped stockings a la Alice in Wonderland could look very sweet too. It’s funny when I think about it; the pictures of G and 3brs always show the bears and their house with the emphasis being on baby, mama and papa bear sized things – not on what G is wearing. As long as she is carrying a bowl and a spoon, you could put her in anything but I realise that is not the point. Could you put a bear on the pocket of the outside pinny? A fairy tale dress with fluffy apron would be cute too, but if it’s rainy/breezy it could be a bit chilly. Good luck.

    LauraB @LauraB

    Thank you everyone! Apparently Goldilocks must wear a blue dress, however much I would prefer her to be sporting cropped trousers and a turtle neck. That book looks brilliant!

    I like the idea of the birthday party, but I think needlewoman is right – warmth is the way to go and a 19th century inspired pinny with flutter sleeves would be gorgeous. I’m going to make the dress, pinny and blouse in that order – so if I don’t get to the blouse she can just wear a long sleeve t-shirt underneath.

    I’ve decided on blue gingham for the dress so I can play with some bias details. I was inspired by seeing the real Dorothy dress at the Hollywood costumes exhibition at ACMI in Melbourne. It is well worth a visit if anyone is nearby, if only to see the Keira Knightly dress from Atonement – completely stunning.

    Thanks again!

    needlewoman @needlewoman

    Laura, the gingham sounds fun, and could be useful for other costume days with a bit of tweaking. I like the idea of the bias details. You could put some on the outer pinny or fun some blue ribbon thru an insert at yoke or hem; however, I realise that time is of the essence. I heard about the costume exhibition at the NGV but didn’t realise they were the “real” costumes. I’m very fond of the Gallery, and go there whenever I visit Melb – a couple of years ago they had a wonderful display of the period clothes worn at very end of 18th century, making the point that it is a time ignored because most costume lovers are more familiar with the Regency clothes. Good luck with the costume for Book Week; I hope you will post the end result on Flickr.

    Tamara @justsewit

    I would put her in a blue dress but to make sure she isn’t mistaken for say, Little miss muffett, I would get her to carry some accessories with her, like a bowl with “porridge” in it – glue gun project I’m sure. And why can’t she be the Gruffalo?

    isewstuff @isewstuff

    I saw a Goldilocks costume (from Chasing Fireflies, or some such company) where the pinafore had 3 pockets along the bottom with stuffed bears in them. I wish I could find the picture. Not that the real Goldilocks would be carrying the bears around, but it’s not like there’s a real Goldilocks anyway 🙂

    LauraB @LauraB

    I’ve bought some felt for pocket bears – super cute idea and helps with any potential confusion with Alice in Wonderland, Miss Muffet or Dorothy!

    justsewit – I would NEVER get her in a gruffalo outfit! Despite all my best intentions, she is a determined to conform to every gender stereotype going. I’ve given up trying to change it now.

    Thanks again for all your help everyone – I’ll definitely post the finished outfit on Flickr.

    LauraB @LauraB

    A bit late, but have finally got my act together on Flickr (although pictures are appalling, as ever).

    Here is the finished outfit:

    Front: http://www.flickr.com/photos/55741006@N05/9677582000/

    Back: http://www.flickr.com/photos/55741006@N05/9674328585/in/photostream/

    Pocket bears!: http://www.flickr.com/photos/55741006@N05/9674327961/in/photostream/

    She was super happy and got her photo in the school newsletter, so I think it came together pretty well.

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Sheesh she’s adorable, and so is the outfit. The bears are a great touch. And those dining chairs are swell too!

    Masha Richart

    LOve the outfit and the pocket bears!

    Maggie @Maggie

    So cute! She looks so sweet. But seriously if someone wants to do the Gruffalo, I’d love to see that too.

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