Oliver + S

French seams

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    ecgrimes @ecgrimes

    Wondering if anyone successfully used French seams on the Library Dress?


    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Hi! Sorry nobody’s been along to reply — I’m guessing this hasn’t been tried yet. The usual advice is that French seams work best on longer, straighter seams, though I know for sure that people have used them on curves. I’m afraid I haven’t made this one so I’m not sure which seams would be the best candidate. If you’re looking for different seam finishes that can give a clean appearance, have a peep at the link for tutorials:


    A blend of different finishes might give the best result. Good luck and please share your work in the flickr pool! I’m sure others will enjoy seeing what you came up with.

    meleliza @meleliza

    Yes, I did/do. Sleeves, sides and even the back skirt to the bodice, apparently. In the front, the waist facing finished the seams. It probably would have been easier to just line the bodice, which is likely what I’ll do next time. I regularly set sleeves with French seams. Obviously this only works if the fabric isn’t too heavy. FYI, you don’t actually need the buttons to get the dress on, so you can skip them if you like.

    ecgrimes @ecgrimes

    Thanks for this – I got caught up in a couple other projects, and am just getting back to this one. I think I’ll try the French seams, and depending on whether or not the buttonhole function on my machine is working, may skip the buttons as you’ve mentioned, meleliza.

    Thanks for the help!

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