Oliver + S

Facing the patchwork pocket- Help?

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    BumblinaGirl @BumblinaGirl

    I don’t yet understand how to position the facing in order to follow the directions for attaching the facing to the patchwork pocket.

    How do I sew the initial 1/2″ seam allowance, then pivot at the corners while not completely sewing the edges of the facing to the pocket.

    The image shows a 1/2 SA all along both the pocket and facing, with the facing still free along its edges (it’s flipped up/away from the actual pocket).

    I’ve attached pics of the directions and of the 2 options the directions may be conveying in order to attach these pieces, with right sides together.

    Can you say whether the pinned example or the non-pinned is the way I should start? Maybe it’s something else?🤷🏻‍♀️

    Thank you!

    • This topic was modified 3 years ago by BumblinaGirl. Reason: 3rd photo didn't attach
    • This topic was modified 3 years ago by BumblinaGirl. Reason: Figured it out. Adding 4th photo!
    BumblinaGirl @BumblinaGirl

    GOT IT!!😁

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