Oliver + S

Fabric shopping in London

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    Emily @Emily

    I have plans for some of them, Claire, but not all. The wool is for coats in sizes 4 and 6 – I’ve done one in size 2 that I’m hoping will last through this winter, but she’ll need a new one for sure next winter. I have an outfit planned with the black and white grouping (which, shockingly, doesn’t involve a single o+s pattern) and a few dresses in mind with some of the other stuff. I think I might do up some Music Class blouses in the two floral Tana Lawns – they’re just so sweet, it think it would be a good match. I also have some pinstriped cotton suiting that I forgot to photograph that I’ll be sewing into a School Photo dress, and some of the jersey will end up as Nature Walk pants.

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