Oliver + S

Fabric choice for khaki trousers?

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    Masha Richart

    This is perhaps a dumb question, but since I have to order my fabric online I need to ask. I am sewing Art Museum ensembles for my son and the other ring bearer in my sister-in-law’s August wedding. She wants the vests in gray gingham with khaki pants. I think I will also do the backs of the vests in the same khaki. I feel like the fabric should be the same, but on the other hand, it seems like the pants should be more of a bottom-weight fabric like a twill, which would be too heavy for the vest. What do you think? The boys will be about 18 months and 2 at the time of the wedding, if that matters.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I’ve used the same fabric for sketchbook shorts as I have for the Art Museum Vest. In fact 2 of the 3 vest I made have been made with bottom weight front and back outers. I don’t see a problem making part of the vest in bottom weight. What about making the whole outer vest in the gingham? This way when they face the front the audience can Ohh and ahh over the two fabrics. If the bottom weight is significantly different in weight may be make a mock up in similar but not the wedding fabric just to check how it sits.

    It sounds so cute, can’t wait to see the pictures!

    juliamom2009 @juliamom2009

    What if you used a linen instead of the twill? If she doesn’t mind a bit or ironing, I’ve found linen to be really a great fabric for the little ones.

    meleliza @meleliza

    Not to mention August! I second the linen idea.

    bren5kids @bren5kids

    I was going to suggest linen too, but I see a couple ladies already did 🙂 Especially for an August wedding. Maybe if you would get a couple samples and show them to her……

    Nicole @motherof5

    Linen or a linen/cotton mix would be lovely!

    mcholley1 @mcholley1

    I like the idea of linen/cotton mix so it won’t have as many wrinkles on little ones. If you don’t like linen….

    We used swiss cotton gaberdine for a suit my son wore in a wedding and it was lovely as it has a bit of a sheen, but is soft and drapes nicely. His was white…not even sure if you can find khaki. It isn’t cheap stuff, but you won’t be using much yardage in those sizes.

    meleliza @meleliza

    Where did you find Swiss cotton gabardine? I wouldn’t mind getting my hands on something like that.

    Masha Richart

    Thanks for the input, ladies. I’m looking at linen blends now – I think a blend will be necessary to keep things from being too rumpled. The wedding party look is on the casual side, but not that casual. In addition to these two Art Museum sets I will be sewing three coral-colored flower girls dresses from a yet to be determined pattern. O+S for sure, though.

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