Oliver + S

Enlarging the bucket hat?

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    Liz @Liz

    Has anyone tried to enlarge the bucket hat? I’d like to make a matching hat for an older cousin. If so, any tips?

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    I was wondering the same thing.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Hi everyone

    I have enlarged the reverisable bucket hat using the tutorial http://indietutes.blogspot.com/2008/09/resizing-pattern.html

    After making a medium sized one I decided I wanted one for myself. I sized the pattern up 2 sizes ( I have a 22″/56cm head). I worked great and is now my favrouite hat. I did have to slightly alter the brim shape where the seam is. I did this when I tried it on and then transfered my changes to my pattern.

    The last thing is that I would add interfacing to both brims as only interfacing one made my the brim floppier than I expected. This could also be because I may have used fabric that was thinner than reccommened.

    I haven’t currently got a photo but I could take one and put is on flicker.

    Hope this is OK for my first post. I really appreciate all the help and information provided on the formums.

    rastis @rastis

    yes, i enlarged the bucket hat several sizes to fit my very larged headed boy! i found that different parts of the hat needed to be enlarged at different rates to keep the hat looking nice and proportional… ie the first practise hat i made i enlarged each element equally and it just didn’t fit right… it might have just been the shape of my little boy’s head though?

    i found i had to increase the depth of the hat significantly more and the brim less to make it fit right… not sure if that’s a help at all? you can see my hats here 🙂



    Tamara @justsewit

    How coincidental this thread is. I spent a bit of time last week enlarging the reversible bucket hat to make school hats for the kids but haven’t yet made them. I think I will just have a look at the links above and make sure I haven’t missed anything before proceeding I think. With love Heidi welcome. Glad you got to post about this.

    For the main part my pattern was enlarged slightly to fit the son’s big noggin. I only did the width though because the largest size already in the pattern seemed to be fine everywhere else.

    I plan to give the pattern a shot this afternoon in preparation for school.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Rastis is right about the porportions of the hat when enlarging. The depth of the hat I made is comparitivly lower (less high) than the original pattern, and the brim probably wider, now you point it out. However this gives me a very flattering hat(which is somehting I have had a lot of trouble finding) but may not be so good on a child.

    Also makes me realise the time and effort that Liesl puts in to every pattern to make it look just right in all the sizes. Thank You.

    Tamara @justsewit

    I made two enlarged versions today with just the handstitching to go. I tried one of them on my son and it seems ok but could do with some further adjustments. It’ll do for now though. Just have to find the energy to finish them off ready for school in the morning.

    I think next time I will work on depth and width but then I only enlarged by less than 1/2 inch so doing it this way may make all the difference.

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