Difficult to put on?
10 years ago LINK
NCMimi @NCMimi
Help! I completed the playtime dress is a fine wale corduroy for my granddaughter. I saw it on her today and it looked like it fit perfectly. However, my daughter told me it was very hard to pull on — did I do something wrong? I did top stitch the waistline to keep the seam allowances together. The bodice and waist seem very roomy while it is on. It is disappointing because I know it won’t be worn if it is a struggle to get on (she is only 20 months). Has anyone experienced this?
10 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
I wonder if she found the shoulder fit a wee bit snug…..
I made this for my daughter and, as per usual, sized back and added length. It was a bit of a tug around the shoulders but fine once on.
Perhaps try a knit or a cotton poplin with some stretch?
10 years ago LINKNCMimi @NCMimi
Yes I’ll definitely try it again with a lighter fabric. Maybe there was too much bulk at the waist although there was plenty of ease when it was on…
I’m thinking that maybe if she puts her arms through first and the lifts over her head that it will glide on more easily.
10 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
@NCMimi, great idea.
I found we had to have a ‘system’ to get the Jumprope dress on my little girl, she had a big head.
She soon learned the ‘procedure’I love your dress.
10 years ago LINKNCMimi @NCMimi
Thank you! I was very happy with it and used your tutorial Nicole. It looks adorable on my little granddaughter.
10 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
Really? That makes me so happy, thank you!
PS (I love your name, I wanted a Mimi)10 years ago LINKkatybellabug @katybellabug
@Nicole We have to have a procedure for getting the jumprope on and off too. “Arms up to the skies!” is the mantra everytime!
10 years ago LINKmeleliza @meleliza
Mine has an enourmous head and as the dress got smaller, it does require a tug to get it on. And off. However, it’s a 4 and now she’s really more of a 5.
10 years ago LINKNCMimi @NCMimi
Thanks Meleliza! If they could just stay a little…at least for a little while longer!
10 years ago LINKNCMimi @NCMimi
Yesterday my daughter gave the corduroy playtime dress back to me and asked if I could please make it easier to get on. My granddaughter is 21 mos and it was too much of a struggle — I was disappointed since a good amount of time and love went into this piece. After wracking my brain I decided to open up the back about 5 more inches by continuing the buttonhole “placket” below the waistline. A little hard to explain since I was basically winging it — but I interfaced a piece of the fabric about 3 in by 6 in, folded it in half lengthwise and stitched it to the right back bodice continuing the line made by the contrast top stitching. Raw edges were pressed under and top stitched with thread matching the fabric instead of the contast used elsewhere. The left part of the skirt opening was interfaced and folded under. Instead of continuing the buttons below the waistline I used a dark color Velcro — three small pieces did the trick — and the entire alteration is hardly even noticeable! Doesn’t look as pretty on the inside but so happy I was able to rescue this dress!
This reply was modified 10 years ago by
10 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
Thanks for sharing your ‘save’ Mimi!
10 years ago LINKmeleliza @meleliza
Next time, you could cut a slit into the center back skirt and finish it with bias. No interfacing needed. Then align the bias under the placket. You can actually get a neater finish anyway because now you can more easily turn up the bodice lining and slip stitch or top stitch into place covering the wait seam allowance.
10 years ago LINKSarvi @Sarvi
Great ideas for making this a bit easier for a wiggly little one!
9 years ago LINKHALI MUNDY @HaliMundy
I made this and had the exact same problem. Very hard to get on. I am going to have to cut through the waist area opening it up about three to 5 inches. I will do something like what Mimi did.
This seems to be a common problem, maybe the pattern should be tweaked.
I have had similar problems with other oliver + s patterns and wonder if they should be looked at again with the thought of revision.
9 years ago LINKSarvi @Sarvi
Hm, maybe a BHA tutorial is in order for those needing to make big head adjustments! Any volunteers to write one? Meleliza, your last guest post was so detailed and useful, want to tackle this?
Over thirty thousand happy photos in the flickr group, so it seems the brand as a whole is not designed for unusually small heads.
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