Cute things kids say or do
9 years ago LINK
Sherry @mim22
The dog had a slight accident on his bed, so DIL put it all in the front loader washing machine with extra washing liquid, disinfectant etc. Consequently too many bubbles and it was about a foot deep all through the laundry.
My grandson (4 years old) went passed and yelled out *Ohh no the washing machine has vomitted everywhere”. I can’t walk passed the laundry without laughing now.
9 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Oh that is too funny!
I rang my parents for this weekend’s itinerary (and to share some of it also) and to ask my dad to pick up the christening cake. My dad asked my nine year old son if he would like to march in the ANZAC day parade with him and wear his great Nan’s medal. My Noah said, “It would be my honour.” And of course the motherly pride swelled!
9 years ago LINKSherry @mim22
Thats lovely, I hope Noah enjoyed the march. It is so nice to see the little ones taking such an interest this year. My 7yr granddaughter sang “The Last Anzac” at assembly yesterday, it is such a beautiful song and the words just touched my heart, it is a tribute to Alex Campbell who died not so long ago, but a moving tribute to all soldiers.
8 years ago LINKdubhels2003 @dubhels2003
My gorgeous 21 month old hasn’t quite (or maybe has entirely!) got my name right. She wakes up and in the morning calls for her family. ‘Deedee, Daddy ‘ack (Jack), Mummymilk.’ She is now just calling me ‘Mummymilk’ the time!
I am more than the some of my parts darling!
8 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
Oh dear @dubhels2003, I know what you mean but still very cute!
My little Trix finished her sleepy 5am feed in our bed, smiled said ‘choc-late’ and went back to sleep.
8 years ago LINKLightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch
I just took my kids out to my parents in the country for a couple of nights while it’s school holidays and we’re working.
The five year old was busy all morning writing notes and letters for her grandparents to give them when she got there. All notes started with “dear grand… and grand…” And finished with “love from A… by A…”
In the middle were conversation snippets like ” Hav there bin eny eggs?”8 years ago LINKAlex @GiddyAnts
My little one has started using my fabric stash to play shops with. Today she was the customer and was “buying” some fabric and said “now I’ll take it home to wash it first” it’s amazing all the things they pick up on.
8 years ago LINKAdorable! This topic reminds me of Brooke’s memory jar. Reading your posts feels like looking through all the saved scraps:
8 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
We’ve been having issues with our main computer so while Murray turned it off at the wall and counted to ten (because it had jammed that much) I noticed our 18month old Chloë covering her face with her hands and counting along too. When we got to ten, Chloë said mumbled version of “Ready or not here I come”
8 years ago LINKdubhels2003 @dubhels2003
They pick up on so much, it’s a mirror into your own language and behaviour sometimes!
E has been in my sewing room with me today. She was playing at wrapping up a present for daddy. I asked what she wanted to wrap, and she said a pattern and some buttons. I said she could choose both. She got the buttons and after looking on my patterns she got very excited. ‘Look, it’s a pattern for a Mummy!’ The pattern was the city stroll skirt. I chuckled.
8 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Oh that IS cute!
Yesterday we took the children to see “Finding Dory” as part of our birthday celebration tradition (we do this for everyone). At the very start of the session, they showed a short movie called “Piper” – I won’t spoil it too much for those who haven’t seen it. But it involves a piper chick and waves of the ocean.
Anyway, there was a scene where the wave comes crashing in and you see the chick becoming caught up in the wave.
As we saw the wave coming in and crashing ontop of the chick, Chloë screamed and the whole cinema burst into laughter!
It seems that my kids get very involved in visual story telling because a similar thing happened when Noah was much younger too. But that is for another time.
8 years ago LINKRobin @Robin
My ten year old cracked me up when she asked if I was going to make a rough draft of a tshirt before I used the good fabric. Sounds better than making a muslin.
8 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Oh yes! Important to do a “good copy”
You can generally tell the emerging tastes and interests of children very early on. My 19 month old daughter loves music. Just now we were watching a beautiful little program called La-la’s adventures, an Australian produced program that incorporates a music lesson without knowing it. In this episode, one of the characters was conducting whilst singing long and short notes. Well, my toddler decided he needed some help and whilst “singing along” she decided that conducting like the character would be the way to go too.
Watch out world here comes yet another musician!
8 years ago LINKLisa @ldk237
We decided to dedicate last week to potty training since the daycare was closed and we were home. When DD returned to daycare yesterday she was very proud to be wearing ‘big girl pants.’ However on her second trip of the day to the potty, she sighed as she sat down and said ‘ahhh, why am I using the potty all day?’
Growing up is such hard work!
8 years ago LINK
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