Cute things kids say or do
8 years ago LINK
Tamara @justsewit
I just had to share this one. I hope it translates well into writing as it was very funny to watch.
We had just finished shearing our lambs this afternoon and I brought my 20 month old daughter up to see the last of the action.
Whilst the workers were finishing off writing numbers, baling wool and packing up gear and the sheep were being lead back out the paddock, my little daughter was walking around with me inspecting the pens where she had seen them standing just minutes before.
I turned to look at her as she turned around. Then I noticed her put her fingers to her mouth and make a sound to represent a whistle. It had me in fits of laughter at her imitation. But I am baffled as to where she picked it up because she has hardly been in the shed with us or around the guys working and we both do not whistle using our fingers.
One of the shearers really did whistle at her after she tried and she gave him the dirtiest of expressions. That was funny to watch aswell!
8 years ago LINKcybele727 @cybele727
How sweet.
My 6 year old was trying to con her grandmother (my mother) into making her an alternative dinner since she didn’t like what was made. (An expressly against the rules thing.)
She told my mother that “You don’t have to follow mommy’s rules, because you are mommy’s mommy and she has to follow your rules. And besides sometimes adults make bad choices. This dinner was a bad choice.”
8 years ago LINKLightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch
8 years ago LINKcybele727 @cybele727
He’s not a kid- but—
Omg. I made my husband sit next to me and look through the book and to talk about the modifications that our daughter, she who is addicted to mommy couture, might like.
Reaction one- well now you have to put pockets on everything. No excuses.
Reaction two- Glancing as I’m closing the book- “a hidden zipper?? OMG how cool is that. It must be so hard.”
8 years ago LINKMama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles
That’s too funny!!
I will never forget my very first hidden zipper, it was on a School Photo dress. After I finished a flawless zipper I rushed in to show my my husband all excited. He looks at the piece and says “yes that is nice fabric”. I then show him the zipper with a huge smile on my face. He reaction was ” oh a zipper, but you cannot see it at all”. That’s the point dear, that’s the point.
8 years ago LINKLightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch
My husband has learnt his line.
I say “check out this invisible zip”
He says “what zip?”
Every time.He delivers it in such a deadpan, I know my role here, kind of way.
I’ll have to sew an exposed zipper one day and catch him out!8 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
I was running the bath for my almost 21 month old daughter last night. I was out of the room getting her towel and things and when I came back I saw that she had shifted the bathmat which seemed to be wet and was standing at the chest of drawers trying to get hold of a new mat. I asked her did we need a new mat? She said “yes a towel” to which I got one out for her and she promptly put it in its place beside the bath.
I have never known anything like this. In all my time being a mum and caring for other people’s children (some 23 years or so) I have come across a few smarties but never have I encountered a child so young thinking about routine like this in such a way.
8 years ago LINKcybele727 @cybele727
Some of them love routine. My son loves his bedtime routine until he turned 8. Sigh… Those were the days!!!
8 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
I took the children to “railfest” this past weekend, an exhibiton day that is held by the volunteers of the Rail museum in our local capital city. Whilst there we took some time out to play in the small playground before heading home again. My 21 month old hasn’t had a lot to do with playgrounds so was watching some children slightly older than she before checking the climbing equipment out for herself.
She managed to climb the steps with help (as it is a ladder style) and hesitated at the tunnel. My mum was with us and somshe went to the other end of the tunnel to coax her through. After the first go she had another turn and whilst climbing through for the second time exclaimed as clear as day “I’m gonna get there!” And with a huge smile on her face came out of the tunnel saying “I did it!”
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