Oliver + S

Cute things kids say or do

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    cybele727 @cybele727

    I want to share this cute story. My daughter ( in pre-k) was asking my mother how to spell “egg”.

    Gigi: how do you spell egg?
    GM: E. G. G.
    Gigi: not my name, Bama, egg?
    GM: I know. E. G. G.
    Gigi sighs and in a frustrated voice says: Bama, not. My. Name.

    GM: let me see how you spelled it?

    Gigi: egigi, just like you said. E. G. G.


    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    Cute @cybele727 !
    I’ve got one to share too:
    Driving with my three year old daughter in the car….
    A: Mummy, what are those boxes on poles?
    Me: They’re speed and red light cameras. If you go too fast, they take your picture….. (explanation of licence plate identification, driving laws and what it means to be “fined”)
    A: Well you’d have to bring your ladder to get the money in the box.

    I love the idea of motorists doing the walk of shame down a highway with a ladder under their arm in order to pay their fine into the box that nabbed them!

    cybele727 @cybele727

    I love little’uns and their thinking. It is like a peek into a beautiful mind untempered by “right” thinking.

    KarenK @KarenK

    Cybele727 that is an adorable story.

    and I think a drivers walk of shame could be very effective!

    Nicole @motherof5

    You girls read my mind, I thought a thread about sweet comments our children make (sewing or speeding related) could be fun.

    Matilda asked if my friend in England (the one who lives with Doctor Who) could make her another dress as she *really* knows how to sew a good dress.

    Um, thanks Tildy.

    *Disclaimer, it is a gorgeous dress https://www.flickr.com/photos/motherof5/15182692301/in/set-72157647482380515 but twist the knife baby*

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Nicole. Reason: spelling
    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Sarvi.
    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Great idea, Nicole.

    Nicole @motherof5

    It is a super idea by Jenny, great minds and all that!

    Harmony @Harmony

    Heard from the back seat. At the time, Kylie was about 4.

    Kylie: Hiccup, hiccup, hiccup.

    Kendra (having had the hiccups earlier): *Giggle* Kylie’s got my hiccups!

    Kylie (all seriousness): No, I have my own hiccups.

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Haha, I love when they get that serious voice. Love these cute stories, kids are the best!

    mcholley1 @mcholley1

    They really do say the best things!

    My latest favorite:

    me scooping up my four year old for a cuddle: “I’ve been waiting all night for this good-morning hug!”

    my four year old squeezing tight and whispering in my ear: “I’ve been waiting all night for you to give me a chocolate doughnut.”

    Needless to say…he was allowed his doughnut before his eggs.

    vothgirl @vothgirl

    She’s only two, so Ellie isn’t as intelligibly conversational as the stories above! But she cracks me up…

    Every day when I put her down for her nap, it varies on how long it takes her to fall asleep. Many kids would get cranky lying in the dark unable to doze off but not Ellie! She will entertain herself for what is sometimes hours. I’m not sure exactly what all she’s doing in her crib (our baby monitor is audio only), but it involves a cacophony of animal sounds, mostly unintelligible conversation, and laughter. I’m guessing that her hands (& maybe feet?) are talking to each other the way they do when she’s up and about. I’ll listen to the monitor while sewing (naptime is my only sewing time of the day!) and just giggle at all the howling and barking etc. She clearly has a very active imagination!

    Also, we have a platter of decorative squash and mini pumpkins on our dining table right now. She knows & can say the word ‘squash’, but point to the pumpkin and ask her what it is and the only word she’ll use is “gommy”. Every time we ask her to say “pumpkin” she’ll say “gommy”. For some reason when she says that in her soft, high 2 year old voice I can’t help laughing. It’s so cute!

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    These are adorable!

    dubhels2003 @dubhels2003

    @vothgirl That’s very sweet! I think our daughters are probably a similar age. I can hear my two year old ‘reading’ stories to her cot toys before she naps. ‘Babbit dis is Peppa Pig’ etc.

    I love the unmoderated comments of small children. Lady E is currently obsessed by noise ‘Noise, noise, wat dat mummy? Car noise mummy, bang and pop mummy’ etc. I took her into the toilets/bathroom in a shop recently. She stood in the room waiting for me, and then piped up with ‘Noise, noise mummy, bottom noise mummy, trump’. I’m not sure the lady in the adjacent cubicle was please to have her toilet habits explained by a toddler…

    runciblespoon @runciblespoon

    Eep – Tildy has made my day. I wish my children felt the same! Tell her yes, of course, as soon as I’m back from the next adventure in time and space (if only…)

    cybele727 @cybele727

    Last night in the car, my 8 yo son said, “mom, I want a queasy bake oven for Christmas.”

    Me: (aside) you’re only getting that if you are getting a pregnant woman, and that ain’t happenin’.

    MY 14 y/o nephew just about died laughing. First for queasy bake, one of those instances where the error may be more accurate than the correct version, and then for my aside.

    We are still laughing over queasy bake oven.

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