Oliver + S

Converting to maternity waistband?

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    Avivoca @avivocasews

    Does anyone have any tips for converting the City Stroll skirt into a maternity skirt? This is one of my favorite patterns and I’d love to be able to wear it while cooking this bun.

    Tamara @justsewit

    @avivocasews Congratulations! When are you due?

    There are two options that I can think of that would suit this pattern and would accomodate for the growing little person. I never actually made this one for maternity but have researched ways to extend the life of normal clothing through the maternity period for other items of clothing.

    One way you could do this skirt and still have it wrapping is to add two stretchy triangular panels to the sides of the skirt. You do this with stretch fabric like jersey or something else that has a bit of stretch in it. Then as you sew the skirt together you just attach the triangular pieces before sewing the side seams. I would also add elastic in a casing that can be adjustable with this so that as your bump grows you can let it out and so it won’t fall down when the bump is still little.

    Another way you could do it, and I did this method for jeans etc, is to add a panel across the belly of the skirt. With the wrap skirt you could still technically have it wrapping but instead of woven fabric from hip to waist you have a stretchy panel. I would add a couple of buttons to the side of the front panel if you were going to do this option though and I would make it just wide enough so that I could wear tops over the panel and hide it comfortably.

    All I can suggest is to experiment. Try both options and do a little research into how to do other methods and just play with it.

    The funny thing is that not all methods suit every baby bump – unfortunate in that respect – so you will have to play around with what is most comfortable for you.

    Good luck and remember we love seeing these new ideas, so please show us when you are done won’t you?

    Hope this has been helpful

    Avivoca @avivocasews

    Hi Tamara! I’m due at the end of September. This isn’t my first time at this particular rodeo, so I have some idea of how my bump will look (short torso means it only goes up and out). I’ll fiddle around with it and make a muslin soon!

    Tamara @justsewit

    Looking forward to hearing your results.

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