Oliver + S

Confusion about sleeve cuff

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    Nirmala D @NirmalaD

    I am just not getting it! While I successfully sewed the collar stand, I cannot seem to sew the sleeve cuff and facing together as instructed. I’ve looked at the instructions and the sew-along carefully a couple of times and tried and ripped out. It is the part where we are to re-sew the 1 inch seam that previously attached the interfaced cuff to the sleeve.I roll the sleeve placket away. Stitch to the dot and then continue sewing around the curve up to the top dot or beyond. What keeps happening is that when I turn it, the cuff facing is caught in the 1 inch portion and will not allow the placket to lie flat. What am I doing wrong? Help!

    Jennifer @JenniferBrady

    I am noticing the same thing! It made sense on the collar band but sewing the cuff and facing together 1 in into the sleeve creates a strange jutting out cuff that rolls the placket pieces inward! I am ignoring directions as written and just sewing the curve.

    Liesl Gibson

    We have a complete sew-along to help you! Once you “get” this technique it’s very quick and clean.

    liesl + co. classic shirt sew along

    Jane @jane

    I’m having the exact same problem. I’ve tried following the sew along but the cuff section just repeats the instructions and doesn’t provide the clarity needed. It would really help to see a short video so I can see where I’m going wrong.

    María @mariajsanroman

    Jane, I have a little tip that is useful for me. After stitching the cuff to the sleeve (step #2)from one dot to the other, I trim the SA as step #3 indicates, but I don’t press it away from the sleeve. That makes it easier to sew again the last inch of the previously stitched seam to the basting line of the facing in step #4, pushing the sleeve inside the cuff a little bit. In fact I don’t even roll the edge, just push it gently inside the cuff, that at this point is turned right-side in. After stitching again that last inch, pivoting at the dot, and sewing the curved portion to the dot, and turning the cuff right-side out, I finger press both the SA away from the sleeve and the cuff facing along the basting line. And then, I edgestitch the cuff.
    I hope this makes sense… I have just sewn a recital shirt sleeve cuff, but I have not neither pictures nor videos from the process. I’m planning to sew a classic shirt next week. I’ll try to take some pictures and post them.

    • This reply was modified 3 years ago by María.
    Phyllis G. @pgoodman7

    I have the same problem with these instructions — when I do what the instructions say, my placket gets caught in the seam. In addition, my pattern pieces differ from the instructions on page 15, “Sew the Cuffs.”

    On the illustrations, there are little tick marks that look like notch marks along the bottom of the cuff and facing drawings, but there are no such notch marks on my pattern pieces.

    Steps 2 and 3 refer to matching notches on the pieces, but again, there are no notches on my pattern.

    Finally, my pattern shows 3 dots on the curved edge of the cuff, but there are only two shown on the illustration.

    This whole section is very confusing and should be rewritten for clarity and simplicity. Please advise.

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    Hi Phyllis, can you add some pictures of your pattern (maybe the original pattern, any tracing you made, and your cut fabric)?
    There are notches to align the cuff and the sleeve, and dots to help work out where to pivot when sewing on the cuff.
    I’d love to have a good sewing studio/video set-up so I could video this for you. It is very neat and easy…

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