Oliver + S

City Weekend in WI?

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    Rebecca W @craftalittle

    I am in the Milwaukee area for a few days visiting my parents and I was wondering if anyone knew of any fabric stores in the Milwaukee or Madison area (we will drive past Madison on my way home to Minneapolis) that might be carrying City Weekend?

    I realize that a lot of the people that are on here are from Australia, so I am not all that optimistic on getting a response. 🙂


    Liesl Gibson

    You could try calling Gayfeather’s in Madison–she may have ordered the fabrics. Otherwise Bigsby’s in Milwaukee carries our patterns (or did, at least), and Stitcher’s Crossing has a lot of Moda fabric–they’ve said they’ll be carrying the patterns, too. I’m not sure about any of them, but it might be worth contacting to see? Mill House Quilts had a lot of Moda fabrics when I dropped by, too. Good luck, and have fun there!

    Rebecca W @craftalittle

    Thanks! I will check it out!

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