Oliver + S

Bubble Dress – without the Bubble

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    needlewoman @needlewoman

    I’ve just had a proper look/read at the Bubble dress, and now that I’ve made a couple of O+S’s, I feel a little more in the groove re. the O+S way of doing things. Went to forum but last posting on dress without puffiness is two years ago. Liesl gives great advice as usual but I can’t find Emygold11 picture of her effort with regular skirt. Liesl suggests widening the skirt but that’s not what I’m concerned abt – it’s the shaped pattern for the skirt which is obviously drawn to bring out the bubble.

    Has anyone more recently made this frock without bubble? Did you cut the skirt as designed ie bell shape or did you ‘straighten it out”? And how did it go for you, were you happy with results? Was there anything you learned in the process you would mention to Bubble newbie?

    Thank you in advance

    Deb @Mynorth

    The Bubble Dress is my favourite O+S pattern. I’ve made it many times with and without the bubble plus drafted my own long sleeve and collar just to change it up.

    When I’ve made it without the bubble, I just used the existing outside skirt pattern piece. That’s it. http://www.flickr.com/photos/mynorth/6964742962/in/set-72157631392906442


    needlewoman @needlewoman

    Thank you Deb for your speedy reply; I’ll let you know how I get on. Can’t wait to see the collar you drafted. After I had posted, I thought the skirt from the Music Box, the pleated version might also look attractive with the yoke/bodice


    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    I have made my 2 year one with the caroline under the top skirt for easter. I just cut the width of the fabric by the length for a full skirt. When I attached the lining skirt to the main skirt I did just as in the pattern. Here is the photo and blog link.

    Easter Bubble Dress

    Sweet pea



    LisaMM @LisaMM

    I have had the same idea. Making my little one the bubble dress without the bubble. I have the fabric but are yet to start. Will post on flikr when it’s done. I was planning on using the outside skirt as is with nothing underneath. I love the version done by ‘Deb’. It’s lovely.

    needlewoman @needlewoman

    Thank you for your links to past achievements, ladies. I’m looking forward to carefully examining them at the library tomorrow. What sort of fabric have got for yours, Lisa?

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