Oliver + S

bubble dress with a regular (non-bubble) skirt?

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    emygold11 @emygold11


    I have already made several bubble dresses (and love them) and I wanted to use my bubble pattern but make a slightly different looking dress. Can I use the same pattern, but make a typical/regular skirt? I assume I would have to keep the lining separate and slightly shorter.. Would this look nice?

    Liesl Gibson

    Hi Emy,

    I’m glad you like the pattern! I think a “regular” skirt would look great, and it would certainly be easy to do. You’ll probably want to cut the lining about 1″ shorter than the skirt itself (I think the lining pattern is already cut a bit shorter, so check this before you shorten the lining further), and if you want to add some extra fullness in the skirt, just position the fold line of the pattern a short distance from the fold of the fabric when you’re cutting. In other words, if you want to add 2″ of extra fullness to the front skirt, draw a line 1″ from the fold of the fabric and pin the center fold mark on the pattern to this line. Then cut out the front skirt, continuing the top and bottom cut lines to the fold of the fabric. But sure to add the same amount (1″) to each of the back skirt pieces as well, and transfer the notches and dots to the fabric accordingly. Does that make sense? I’d love to see it when you’re finished!



    emygold11 @emygold11

    Yes, this makes sense. Thank you! I didn’t think about adding the extra fullness, but after looking at a dress I already made with this pattern, it makes perfect sense. I will put a picture on Flickr when I’m finished!


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