Oliver + S

" blindstitch"

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    martha1.608 @martha1.608

    pattern states blindstitch the top of the hem facing to the dress to finish it. is the top facing and buttonhole plackett also blindstitched?

    Toyota888 @Toyota888

    No I don’t think so. I think it would be best to leave the top facing unattached as it hangs down and stays in place nicely and attaching it might affect the drape if you don’t get it absolutely perfect. However now that you mention it it might not be bad to do the placket as I have found mine unfold a bit on washing and there is an unfinished edge in there that gets a bit messy. I’ve just been refolding the placket when I iron it. This is only a problem on the side with buttons as the button hole stitching tends to hold the other side together better.

    Liesl Gibson

    Hi Martha,

    If anything, I would suggest tacking the facing at the side seams. Like Toyota says, I think it would affect the drape and may pucker if you stitch it down all the way.

    You could also tack the back facing in one or two spots, but I wouldn’t recommend stitching it the entire length.



    martha1.608 @martha1.608

    thank you very much


    sayiamyou @maraya

    Does anyone have a good tute for blindstitching on your machine? I’m relatively new to sewing and this is a trick I *really* want to learn and get the hang of!

    April Henry @April1930s

    I just had to practice on my machine with some long strips. It makes it a bit trickier when you have a rounded curved hem because some of it ends up being bias, which has a tendency to ripple funny when machine blind-hemming. Honestly, however, I’ve only done this once and after doing it decided I didn’t really care for the ‘inside finished look’. I still do all of my blind-stitching by hand – it melds with the folds and seams and allows for easing.

    Anonymous @

    I’m also a fan of hand blindstitching. It really doesn’t take that long and the result is so nice.

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