Oliver + S

best place to find ornaments in nyc?

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    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Hi folks – I am looking for an angel tree topper – any tips on where to look?

    dkbnyc @dkbnyc

    i havent seen on personally, but you might try Bloomingdales or Macy’s- i THINK they have large christmas shops each year. If you are in Chelsea, you might try ABC carpet and home- again, its a guess, but that shop is worth a look anyhow

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Thank you!

    Liesl Gibson

    Sarvi, I’m a little late to the party here but S and I walked by Gracious Home (the one on Third Ave and 70th Street-ish on the west side of the street) and saw loads of ornaments inside. Maybe worth a try? I seem to recall a Christmas store (year-round) on the north end of Madison Square Park, too?

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Thank you! I’m back home already but I will make a note of it. I’ve fallen down the rabbit hole of looking for doll heads to make my own angel. She currently has a repurposed Hello Kitty head which is functional, if not quite the look I was going for.

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