Oliver + S

Add a full lining to the dress

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    sallycsklarsky @sallycsklarsky

    Has anyone done a full lining to the Puppet Show Dress?

    I’m considering using this for Easter this year, but the fabric needs to be lined. Could I attach it similar to the Fairy Tale lining? Or does it work to just sew the skirt lining to bodice lining, and then the the lining is sufficiently attached to the dress when the bodice lining is topstitched on?

    Nicole @motherof5

    Hi @sallycsklarsky, I have been mulling this over for a few days now.

    May I point out my tute https://www.pinterest.com/pin/73676143876173067/ ? Have a look at that and I will come back and add how I think a lining may work.

    Sorry not to be more help.

    xx Nicole

    sallycsklarsky @sallycsklarsky

    Thanks, Nicole. I’ve actually perused your tute (love that word!) already, and have made the dress and tunic a few times. I may have to just dive in and make it work for me. The button band may be more complicated with a lining than just getting a skirt lining attached, now that I think of it.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Hi @sallycsklarsky

    I think your idea for fully lining this dress would be completely achievable. After popping on and reaquainting myself with Nicole’s tute (and being completely surprised by the way because I was certain she’s lined this one already), I was thinking that if you did the bodice as per normal and make a lining as per the skirt pattern pieces but leaving the placket allowance off except for the half inch seam allowance, you could line it easily.

    If I had the time (and one cut out) I’d do a dummy run so that I could explain further what I mean.

    In terms of the skirt facing, you can still use this piece but I would sew it to the bottom of the lining (which means of course the skirt lining would be shorter). And attaching the lining to the button placket would be just the same as per you would for the skirt facing – sew the seam and press it open.

    The only differences would be that you would sew your lining to the skirt before attaching it to the bodice.

    I hope this makes some sense. It is a sweet little pattern this, and has become a fast favourite. I’ll be interested to see how you do with this and how it turns out so please keep us up to speed with how it went.


    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Tamara.
    Elizabeth @Ekmcnally

    You could also modify the dress as Rachel did here: http://oliverands.com/community/blog/2013/12/customizing-with-oliver-s-modified-puppet-show-dress.html
    I think her version is fully lined.

    Tamara @justsewit

    YES! @Ekmenally you genius! I knew someone had lined this dress!

    if you go through the post in the link Elizabeth just put up, you will see it lined – I was imagining this method so maybe pictures would help? Excellent!

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