Oliver + S

A Sewing MaMa's Proud Moment

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    Jane @jesims

    Little one and I were out running some errands this afternoon. My son needs a dress shirt for a piano recital on Saturday. While we were in the department store we walked past the racks of cute, sparkly Christmas dresses. Little girl saw a pink one and was drawn to it. Instead of asking me to buy it, instead she said “Can you make me one?”. My heart melted and as soon as we got home, I shopped for pink sparkly fabric online. 🙂

    What sweet stories do you have re: your little one(s) and your crafting? Do tell!



    Tamara @justsewit

    Aaaaw! You need to write that down before the memory goes! How wonderful!

    I have a note from my daughter when she was in pre primary where she writes “I love it when you make me dresses”. It is permanently stuck to my pantry cupboard to remind me in times of pre teen rants that she really does appreciate me (deep down).

    Both my kids used to proudly declare that mum made their outfits when someone commented on how fine they looked – not so much now though.

    needlewoman @needlewoman

    Both of your stories are charming! Although I don’t have children of my own, I have made so many outfits for kids over the last 30 yrs (altho took abt 10 yrs off when quilting overtook me) that I have a couple of lovely bon mots from the recipients of my efforts.

    One of my favourites: a little girl (now a mother of two herself) for whom I had made a special dress, thought that I had also ‘made’ the plastic headband that I had given her to complement the outfit.

    A continuing pleasure: a child wearing one of my creations announcing “that I made this for them” – as though I didn’t know!!

    A little boy (now a father of two) who referred to all my sewing activities (dressmaking, cross-stitch etc) collectively as “threading”.

    At a gathering where two small girls were wearing dresses I’d made ( their mother’s compliment to me), it was impossible not to overhear the stage whisper from Miss 5, “Does Fiona know that I’m wearing the dress she made me?”

    Makes all the difficulties of long distance sewing worthwhile.

    cybele727 @cybele727

    I made the Fairy Tale for the holidays. It has been sitting in my daughter’s closet for a month before I allowed her to wear it for Thanksgiving. Every morning she would wake up, run to the closet and grab the hem of the dress, trying to yank it down. “Today? Today I wea-uh duh pincess dwess? Today?”

    And my six year old son, whom I hardly make anything for because American boys seem to only be willing to wear jeans and nasty “character” t-shirts, says… Mom.. PLEASE make me something. I said, “ok, but you can’t complain about it or resist because it is a ton of hard work. How about some cords?”, “I would love some cords!”

    needlewoman @needlewoman

    Sometimes being a mother can be very sweet, n’est ce pas?

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