color blocked cartwheel wrap dress tutorial

Darcy is here today from the Advisors Circle. She recently stopped by to share her favorite Oliver + S pattern and her Liesl + Co. Terrace Dress. Now she’s here to show you how to color block the Cartwheel Wrap Dress. Take it away Darcy!

Oliver + S Cartwheel Wrap Dress

Hello everyone! I’m here sharing an easy change you can make to the Cartwheel Wrap Dress pattern to make it extra special: color blocking!

Oliver + S Cartwheel Wrap Dress

I used solid color fabrics to make this one but you could just as easily color block with different patterned fabrics for a fun look as well.

Oliver + S Cartwheel Wrap Dress

To make this change, I started with a pattern that I had already tested and I knew fit her (for my daughter, I started with a size 4 and added 3 inches in length using one of the methods from the Building Block Dress Book). I knew I wanted three sections, so after drawing in the seam allowances, I measured down the front center and divided that number into three to get my three color blocked sections.

Oliver + S Cartwheel Wrap Dress

From here I used the Building Block Dress Book directions on color blocking to draw the new lines and add seam allowances to the new cuts. After cutting out my fabric, I reassembled the skirt panels and then followed the rest of the directions for the dress exactly!

Oliver + S Cartwheel Wrap Dress

I love how this one turned out. The dress it’s self is really fun to sew. When you are sewing the shoulder and underarm area, it feels like a bit of sewing magic! If you’ve done it, you know what I mean!

Oliver + S Cartwheel Wrap Dress

Thanks for reading today! I can’t wait to see what everyone else is doing with the pattern as well!

Oliver + S Cartwheel Wrap Dress

Thank you Darcy!

And in case that wasn’t enough of a fix for you be sure to visit our Ten Color Blocking Tutorials.


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  1. liz n.

    This is a clever customization! Definitely going on my “sewing for the niece” list! Thank you!

  2. Erica

    Adorable (child and dress)!

  3. Vanessa

    This is adorable! But I’m a little frustrated by this being called a “tutorial” and the steps basically say to follow the directions from the book. 🙁

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