Oliver + S

boutique sewer profile: a.j.jacks clothing

Today we continue our series of posts highlighting participants in our Boutique Sewer Program by sharing a recent exchange with Sandy Stewart of Virginia Beach, VA–ringleader of the all-in-the-family a.j.jacks clothing team. Sandy, can you tell us a little about …

new oliver + s discussion forums

We’re pleased to announce the launch of our newest website feature–the Oliver + S discussion forums. You can access the forums by clicking on the text in the navigation bar at the top of every page. The forums are designed …

weekend sewing workshop

I’m excited to have been asked to join Heather Ross as a special guest for one of her upcoming weekend sewing getaways. Heather, as you know, in addition to being a talented fabric designer is also the author of the …

oliver + s supports Project 95

Did you know that 95% of fabric shoppers make their purchases at chain stores while only 5% purchase from independent quilt and fabric shops? Why shouldn’t it be the other way around? Oliver + S is sponsoring Project 95–an industry-wide …

more trunk show stops

The newest Oliver + S trunk show has been booked for the remainder of the summer. If you’re in the area, stop by one of our retailers to participate in the activities they will be hosting in conjunction with the …

principles of fabric selection: introduction

Every season at Quilt Market, the show’s organizers sponsor a series of Schoolhouse presentations for shop owners who are interested in learning more on topics of interest to them. This season, Oliver + S led two Schoolhouse sessions. One of …

upcoming class at Purl Patchwork

I love to teach, but I haven’t had much time in my schedule for teaching during the last year. It’s time we fixed that, right? I’m going to be coming out of semi-retirement to teach a special one-day-only class at …

market wrap up

Wow. What a week it’s been. We’re glad to be back in the studio now, catching up after this season’s Quilt Market in Pittsburgh. A big thank you to everyone who stopped by our booth. We really enjoyed speaking with …

Pittsburgh, here we come!

Wednesday morning we leave for Pittsburgh, where spring International Quilt Market convenes this season. I’d like to tell you this part of the business eventually becomes routine, but preparing for Market is always exciting. I’m especially thrilled about the two …

boutique sewer profile: rachel baker

Today we’re introducing a new blog feature. We will regularly be highlighting one of the participants in our Boutique Sewer Program. These talented individuals are creating unique, handcrafted garments from Oliver + S patterns and are selling them through a …