Paige replied to the topic Fabric Minimum in the forum liesl + co: woodland stroll cape 10 years ago
That’s exactly the thread I was thinking of Nicole, thank you!
Paige replied to the topic Fabric Minimum in the forum liesl + co: woodland stroll cape 10 years ago
I’ve been eyeing some Lana Canberra at purl soho to use up a GC, and at 95/yd and living in San Diego don’t want too much leftover
I’m a bit of a fabric Scrooge as well and have never used full yardage for an o+S pattern myself, but I so appreciate that it is there. I have found all the responses fascinating and did end up purchasing a digital…[Read more]
Paige replied to the topic Fabric Minimum in the forum liesl + co: woodland stroll cape 10 years ago
I don’t have the pattern yet-debating between digital or printed… Laying it out would have solved my dilemma if I could make any decision.
I’m looking at a solid and have had good luck getting most patterns in a fair bit less yardage than called for, but it doesn’t look like there are many pieces to fiddle with placement. But since an XS-M…[Read more]
Paige started the topic Fabric Minimum in the forum liesl + co: woodland stroll cape 10 years ago
I’m salivating over some delicious boiled wool at Purl Soho and debating whether to buy the full 1.5yds the pattern calls for with an XS. Every o+s/liesl pattern I’ve sewn has had a very generous estimate… I’ve not bought the pattern just yet either and would welcome thoughts/advice
Paige became a registered member 10 years ago
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