Oliver + S


  • Eurkea! Now I see!! Thank you for your response. I was fatigued, but made a muslin anyway, and having confused the dot for the size it looks like I made myself a size 4 hip thinking it was a size 8. This is why we do muslins I guess. Thanks again! I love the pattern and have a very nice shot cotton woven waiting in the wings.

  • Eileen again: I tried joining piece 4 with piece 1 at the indicated marks, and thought I’d snap a pic to show how it lined up. Same basic issue: If I follow the pattern key, the line for size 4 should remain dashed and the line for size 6 dotted, but from the markings it looks like 0 becomes 4, and 2 becomes 6 and so forth. So where to cut?? I’m…[Read more]

  • I purchased Fira paper pattern and am confused on markings on piece 4 (lower front top). I am tracing marking for size 4 and 6, but at some point on the side seam (end opposite fold line) the #s are getting transposed, e.g., the size 4 line says size 8 a couple inches away at a notch mark. I’ve attached a photo illustrating the markings.

  • Eileen became a registered member 1 year ago


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