Oliver + S





Skill level

Advanced Beginner

About me

I call myself an advanced beginner. I’ve been sewing on and off since high school . I’m 70 years old, I make all of my own clothes; I work in a fabric store so why not. I’m an avid reader and if I could live three lives, maybe I’d have time to learn and or try everything I’d like to. Having dyslexia made reading difficult and could only functionally read but made it thru two years of college before I couldn’t keep up. At age 40 I read about dyslexia and taught myself to read. The problem made sewing difficult. I got the leg of my pants one rightside out and the other inside out countless times. I’m now along with sewing, reading learning calligraphy I’m trying to learn water color floral painting. Can’t wait to retire and have more time to do what I love. Almost forgot gardening.



Favorite Oliver + S pattern

I'm beginning my first one. The Weekend Getaway Blouse/Dress


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